This Church is a perpetual continuation of the Office & Order of the Presiding High Priest/King after Melchizedek and His Successor, The Sovereign Church of Jesus
"We were and we are"
We have been broadcasting through Brother Daymonds channel on youtube as a ministry helps, and as Free Press Reporting the state of affairs here and around the world.
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God bless you all In Jesus name and under his blood.
Sovereign Church of Jesus
Worldwide Ministry
Uunted States of America
Why do we have two different icons on homosexuality?
Well for a few reasons. First was the one written by another brother that we thought said a lot about the subject and was well spoken, and was a reasonable and fair process?
Number two a lot of people asked if we could and would go deeper into the meanings of words, thoughts, scriptures, and if we thought there was an agenda at hand or was this happenstance.
So we tackled the topic from several different angles.
Keep in mind Jesus saves all sinners, not just drunks, those that commit adultery, fornicators, gossips, dividers, and the like but also homosexuals from their demons that chase them daily without fail.
Many men and women were abused as a child and turned to homosexuality, or was rejected by the opposite sex, or had strange sexual attractions to their same sex.
Whatever the reason, Jesus saves and homosexuality is sin and is against nature and God is nature its self.
Some say I was born that way - That is a lie from Hell, or as we used to call it a "cop out".
Many men and women have felt like raping someone, or robbing a grocery store or a bank, or molesting little children, or to tell a lie, to be a thief, and some say I was born like that as well.
We have heard these testomoney's from the mouths of many over the years.
We don’t believe any soft of this non sense. We were all born rightly from God at each man or woman’s creation in the womb from conception onward.
We all have ideas and thoughts and some are bad, and some are sinful, and we must all resist these unlawful, ungodly, unnatural feelings of sin against God.
It is a shame that some geography located building called a Church, with a so called minister of the gospel so pressed down, and so desperate for money, or other pressures from the IRS, or other government officials that since they are incorporated they must do the states bidding and now they must allow ungodly behavior in its walls of the so called Church.
This is sad, and we recommend that these Churches get a back bone, and disincorporation immediately and free themselves and promote free speech, and not have to play pretend homosexualy marry men to men and women to women in this detestable manor as a so called Church.
God says judgment will began at the house of God first, and this is the reason why right here.
We will 100% never have anything to do with sin against God like allow two men or women to come together and call it a marriage, as it’s false, and only God has the right to the word and meaning of marriage, and it’s his intuition.
The state fiction can so called allow a civil union between two men or two woman, but that’s not a marriage.
That’s why they cannot call it marriage, but MUST call it GAY-HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE, as it changes the meaning, and is not recognized by God and the Church of God’s.
God has many laws throughout his word KJV Holy Bible in regards to many things in our world here on earth. Most folks quickly think of the (10) commandments and that’s the best thing to focus upon. However there is much more instructions to man, woman, and governments.
Homosexual agenda has been going on for about 70 years more or less. It has varied from state to state. In the last 30 years more or less it has continues on a state level when and where it could, and has crossed over onto the national level, so as to cover the states that said no to them (HOMOSEXUALS) as a whole. This includes the transgendered, and bi sexual.
They have solicited city councils, county governments, and state legislatures to pass special rights laws specifically for them, even when such laws or rules would hurt/damage/infringe upon us men and women who oppose these special laws and treatment. When the laws and rules hurt us and work against our society and our morals and values and against our religious beliefs.
When states said no they moved on to the national stage, and kept working on individual states. Slowly over time states gave in to ungodly laws and rules against nature and natures god and said we’ll give you special rights.
Over time between some states and a few national laws the ball was rolling, and eventually the American Medical Association was stormed by HOMOSEXUALS and basically forced to remove Homosexuality from the medical books as a disease which it was and still is.
Then they become more embolden and started to threaten any man, woman, or business that would not hire them even though they did not want to because of being bad for business/sales, and lack of morals, values, and them having a demon religion etc.
They got braver and said to government that they would sue them if they did not get their way, and activist judges voided the constitution and gave these demon dogs what they wanted and in some cases we find that the judge(s) were possessed by demon sex spirits as well.
The same was true of some state and federal politicians or they were blackmailed or paid money from the activist lobbyist who had it to spread around.
You can get a lot of laws changed in a single state for a million dollars we are told.
Barak H. O’bama is a known homosexual/bisexual, a crooked man demon possessed, and a liar for many years. He has pushed their agenda the last 3.5 years after the agreement he made with them and their lobbyist if they would help get him reelected. ( SEE OBAMA ICON for more )
A country, nation, or society cannot survive if it is not moral and honest. Yes it will take time to fall. That might be five years or fifty years. It will fall in due time. America is on course to fall. We begain a slight leaning in the 60's and more so in the 70's and the 80's forward it has quickened quite a bit.
How much time is left, no one knows for sure but when you consider that in the 1960 we as a people through our activist judges allowed nude and filth magazines on paper stands.
In the 60's these same judges said it's ok to kill an unborn baby, and we will call it legal.
Later in the 1990's these same judges allowed porn sites that children could and do watch but these same children can’t see a rated R show in town. That tells you the left and right hand are mixed up to the point that neither knows what the other is doing. So is America.
We were taught that judges were fair, honest, and a protector of the people.
Not since the 1950's have judges across the board acted within the constitution of America.
Now they ( Judges ) do as they please, and find some law that seems to say they can do that which they do. They act on some lower law under the common laws of the land.
We as a people in America as a whole must say NO to the HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA. That includes the teaching of "Their way of life- Life Style" in our public schools.
To teach our children that this way of life is acceptable, when it is not.
It violates nature, and natures God. ( U.S.A. original constitution )
It violates our rights to be harassed by these deviates night and day in courts and schools, and in our Churches to tolerate, then accept, and finally embrace it as NORMAL, when it is abnormal.
We must say NO to a man, or woman saying I FEEL LIKE IM A WOMAN TODAY even though I have a penis and am a man. So since I feel this way I can use the girl’s locker room. This is what child molesters love. I Pastor Daymond have spent a lot of time in jails and prisons as an Officer with hard core men who said to me if they have access to children they will use it.
We all know that if a man is a homosexual he has some access to little boys in the public bathroom at this point, and the same for a woman homosexual. Most child predators are by in large men, and they are heterosexual in nature. That means that the man predator can go into the bathroom and sit and watch women in the bathroom for as long as he desires to and the woman or little girl has no defense to it. How many ways can we say it’s stupid, and wrong to do this.
Our government has lost its mind. They want to cater to a population of deviates that range from 5% to 7.5% according to most recent studies. This subjects 92.3 or more of us to what they want instead of what’s right.
How much harm could come to a man or woman who truly has a demon on them and desires to think in an ungodly way that they are the opposite sex and want to use that bathroom and not be able to just as it has been in this country/nation for 236 plus years. If you have a penis you go to the men’s room that it. If you have a Virginia you go to the girl’s bathroom. I guess if you are a freak of nature and have both which is likely .000.001 percent of the population make arrangements hereafter just at you heretofore have in the past.
This is not rocket science. I was told in the police academy in Florida in 1990 when I transferred from Texas to Florida that there was an association called NMBLA or similar. It was for NATIONA MEN BOY LOVE ASSOCIATION. They advocated for a boy of any age to be able to consent to a grown man from 18 to 80 to have sex with them. How nasty can you be.
God speaks of a perverted mind, and giving one over to this mind after many seasons, and I personally as Pastor believe this is a part of that group.
God speaks of sexual immorality throughout his word/law book. He detests it. Yes that means homosexuals, BI-Sexuals, Transgendered Man/Woman, and the like. It also covers child predators, Adultery, Fornicators, and the like. All sex except between one man and one woman who are lawfully married in the eyes of God.
Hidden agenda's are just that, hidden.
The homosexual men and women across America are far fewer than the media would have you think.
The media sells papers, TV, Radio, internet, and stories like “LGBT” bathroom issues, school issues, and the like in regards to homosexual-BI Sexual- Transgendered type groups. This interests many people because some are freaked out by the issues at hand and want to know the latest horror story. Some are sick with demons and believe in it and want to know more about it.
Still yet others say I am against it, but don’t know what to do to stop it and they listen and read all the hype, and consider all the general ideas folks have about it. Many want to see if there are ways to stop it, or slow it down, or ways to deal with it, or whatever the case may be.
In essence it drives ratings, and sells radio, TV, newspapers and internet. It does not mean it’s accepted, or any man or woman wants to tolerate it, accept it and certainly embrace it. It means it’s at controversy and is widely not accepted by the men and women of America a Christian Nation.
If one is so blind as not to see we are fast running out of time to turn back to Jesus and stop killing babies in the womb, stop homosexual acts, bi sexual acts, and so forth and so on.
If we don’t quite sinning like adultery, stealing, fraud, fantasizing, and playing with all kinds of wicked imaginations we will pay.
Make no mistake, we are beginning to pay now for the wrong we’ve been doing the last 50 plus yeas.
Why so many wars that America are in?
Why so many murders going on in America?
Why so much going on in gangs, rapes, home invasions, homelessness, and the like.
Muslims shooting and killing Americans here at home, and around the world.
We are paying and it's increasing daily.
We have one hope and that is Jesus the Christ.
You American Judges:
If you do wrong and play games and hurt Gods children, he will avenge us.
Pre pare yourself to meet you maker, as time is running out.
God sees what you are doing and he will not spare the rod of correction.
You cannot hide from God.
You may think your a big man on that bench, but in Gods eyes you are sinning and death is the payout for sin.
Sovereign Church of Jesus, Sovereign Church of Jesus University, and are all copy righted under common law copy right: all rights reserved without prejudice under The Organic United States of America Constitutation All rights reserved.
Sovereign Church of Jesus
Worldwide Ministry
Uunted States of America