This Church is a perpetual continuation of the Office & Order of the Presiding High Priest/King after Melchizedek and His Successor, The Sovereign Church of Jesus
"We were and we are"
We have been broadcasting through Brother Daymonds channel on youtube as a ministry helps, and as Free Press Reporting the state of affairs here and around the world.
Our news channell is called Daymond Chief Jones
we focus on accountability of our goveremnt servants and Ministry. We do other special news topics.
if you have a story please send email to
paypal donations can be sent to
if you need a tax deductable reciept we will provide that if its for the ministry, other wise it will be seen as a donation to brother Daymond for his benifit in broadcasting, travel expenses, and the like.
God bless you all In Jesus name and under his blood.
Sovereign Church of Jesus
Worldwide Ministry
Uunted States of America
We are The Universal Sovereign Church of Jesus; God the almighty's Church, and as such we are his Sovereign Church, Body, and Mouthpiece. All members of his church are Sovereign as a body and each as an individual Sovereign man, or woman, before God and man.
The Sovereign Church of Jesus, by and through it's Pastor Brother Daymond is the perpetual continuation, as the successor of the Office & Order of the King and Presiding High Priest after Melchizedek.
In other words Brother Daymond holds the Rights, Titles, Authority, Office & Order, and sits as the Presiding High Priest/King, after Melchizedek, as Successor, by order of God spoken to him.
Jesus Christ, is identified in scripture as "a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek"
Jesus was one of the successor's and is always the most hight and supreme King and High Priest above all. Jesus is Lord or Lord's, Supreme High Priest, King of King's, Saviour, and God.
The successor passes from one man to another over time as God see's fit. The Office and Order remain the same with a new head.
Melchizedek means - "King of Righteousness" He was King and Hight Priest at the same time. The devine right of Kings.
18 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.
19 And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth:
20 And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.
Our allegiance is to Jesus, which is God. Our law is the Holy Bible KJV, and our flag is the Christian Flag. We serve under and are protected by God the almighty under all his covenantes, protections, and divine orders not man's.
These Covenants with God supercedes all other laws, treaties, and covenant/constitutions.
Special attention to CONTRACT LAW:
AND totally above non constitutional man made contracts. All man made contracts are automatically void if counter to God's previosly, first, and superiour claim as man's creator, provider, first law gver, and only life giver. He has first claim to all man's Covenant's and are far superiour to all claims.
CONTRACTS have a start date and an expiration date, whereas a covenant does not, a covenate is everlasting.
IN FACT the U.S.A. The covenant/constitution by and between the people and 'its servant government mealy recognizes our God given rights, and covenants not bestow them.
Our servant government has to operate within the limited and authorized scope of its specific and limited powers, and cannot go outside this authority as it is repugnant to God's commandments and covenants and the prior covenant stands as the supreme law of the land, as God is the original source of law, and anything outside or against such is void, and of no value, and we are to fully rebut and disregard and hold accountable those who would defy God's law's
No country can remove a God given right, or limit a right. Only the grantor can do so. God is our grantor.
God gives us the right of self defense by hand, knife, gun, or otherwise at each and every geographic location in which a man stands.
No goverment can limit that in ANY WAY what so ever.
Some limitation's, to some folks may sound good, look good, feel good, but totally unlawful, and no man is bound to obey it. Rights are full and free without any limits.
No one can limit what they did not grant.
In recent history some have started to call the 1st, 2nd, and 4th admendment to the USA constitution a privlidge, instead of a right.
That is perverted fully, on it's face value alone.
You see a privledge is granted and taken away by government, whereas a right is given by God and cannot be taken away by the government.
In recent times this nation/country has been dumbed down.
Look how our young people dont know how to talk properly. They dont know how to free think for themselves, or problem solve issues at hand, and bow to unjust authority without question and are taught privledges vs. rights.
Thats not by mistake we assure you brothers and sister in Christ Jesus.
Once the men and women white, black, brown, red, yellow, and all else come together regardless of wealth, class status, regardless of politics, regardless of skin color, regardless of culture, and stick together we can effect positive change in America.
The USA goverment continues to mistreat us as her people because we are busy fighting each other instead of them.
They continue to create class warfare between us we the people by the color of our skin, our politics, our churches, by gender etc. they do so by Propaganda by and through TV, Radio, newspapers, internet, print media and in large crowds in political events.
Quite licking the hand and feet of goverment, and bending over for them.
We are the masters of government, and they our servantes, lets act accordingly.
Some say this type of free speech is an act of a terrorist, if so then all the founding father's of America were terrorist, think about that a while.
If our founding father were alive today, they would call for a revolt against this government as it's out of control, and acts like the King of England did when we went to war with him....think of that as well.
We are for peace, love, grace, and mercy in our Lords Jesus, the Christ's Name and blood. We remain at watch on the wall for evil doer's to protect ourselves, our neighbors, and nation at a moments notice.
*COUNCIL - Men, Women & Children
We carry out all the rites of the Church
ANYWHERE IN THESE united states of America
Brother Daymond, Pastor/High Priest-King
Direct, Private and Confidential
All Rites of the Church
to include but not limited to:
Marriage Counseling -
Counseling for the Individual -
Perform and Handel Funerals -
Grief Counseling -
additional ICONS - cover special topic interest in God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, Church, money, home, scriptures, government, laws, family, marriage, homosexuality, false teachings of the church and governments all over the country.
Some have done so by mistake and some have worked hard to do these things to us on purpose. All under a cloak of darkness.
PLEASE SEE side icon on
We are not effected by the JOHNSON ADMENDMENT as we are not incorporated, nor should any true Church of God's be so.
We are totally free in Jesus to speak politics all day every day, and we endorse Donald Trump, and cast off the woman called Hillary Rodham Clinton as a known liar, thief, mistreats people, dishonest, without respect for any, rigged the election, has hidden the truth for 38 plus years, and is sick to boot, no she is not crazy, just mean spirited.
From Pastor Jones
Welcome to our/Jesus church, church website presense, and our outreach ministry.
I want to start off by saying I am a siner, and unworthy of God's mercy, love, and grace, but I accept it, claim it, and stand upon it every day of my life.
I have spent most of my life as a policeman, fireman, corrections officer, safety and security man. Always protection others from harm. I am a peace officer by law, and by heart. I have a servants heart.
I do not now, nor have I always agreed with all the laws on the books, and I have labored hard to change laws all my life to be fair, honest, correct, within the constitution of we the people, to be logical, reasonable, sensiable, and good to and for the people.
I obey and uphold the law(s) till they are changed, accepted, and are in practice within my jurisdiction, to keep the peace and honor of the community I serve in.
In other words, it takes time to make change without causing panic, or disorder. However I will not never knowlingly violate any man, or woman's God given rights as are fuly laid out and fully explained in the united states of America's original constitution.
These rights are way above mans laws, and authority, they far exceed civil rights, they are inalienable rights from God.
( Jesus tried to work with the people's customs and usage to gain acceptance ) I use Jesus way as I follow him in all of these matters at hand, and in life period as he is Supreme High Priest, Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
I encourage all people to obey the law(s) on the books and labor to correct all poor, misguided, false, badly written laws, but till then obey them and keep peace in our communities. Unless it seems ungodly to you. Then I saw pray to God to seek the correct answer, before you act.
Always seek God's way, and you will be correct.
I lead by example, moraly, ethically and otherwise. I have fallen short before and will again, and if any man says he has not or will not, i'd say he's sadly mistaken.
I have been asked this before and here's the question and answer. Will I obey/enforce a law if it goes against God. My answer is NO
I explain it like this. I obey man's law up and until it conflicts with God's law. This should never occour, as the constitution is under common law/natural law, which is Gods law, so it would be an unlikely event in general.
If the law violates the constitution I am not bound to uphold it or obey it anyway under my oath of office.
Not as a Citizen of a nation state of the union. No man is bound to uphold or obey an unconstitutional law.
So say the Supreme Court of the United Sates of America. The American Constitution is the supreme law of The Land.
God commands us to obey the law of the land.
The people's Constitution is a LIMIT on Our SERVANT GOVERMENT....Not a limit on us the peole, the source and master of the law; who was written for our bennifit and no other. Learn the law.
Law that violates the constitution are not law at all.
Where the law is uncertain there is no law. That is a Maxium of Law
Everyone should study the common law - natural law - as they are God's law and America's true law. All else is false and without authority. No authority - No enforcement
I do so much enjoy serving my fellow man in any way I can. It makes my life a wonderful place to live in.
Have a blessed day and life in Jesus to all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, our Lord, God, and Saviour.
******WE CALL HIM THE CROSS MAN**********
...............GO STEVE GO.............for Jesus.............!!!!!!!!
Brother Steve made it to the California coast.....he is now walking back across the land.
To date we have had over
50 million visitors &Counting
This Update was posted on: 04-17-2017
BECAUSE YOU ASKED US TOO. We have moved some of our Church leadership photo's closer to the top of this web page. We are here to help you all. We do as you ask us, to our ability, and in Gods Time and approval.
Brother Don in photographs with Jamey, his beautiful wife Kay, and out on the road driving a big truck across country.
Brother Donald G. Dewrell
phone contact information
(251) 213-3502 cell phone
e-mail contact information
We are blessed to have Brother Donald G. Dewrell on board as our Associate Pastor.
Bro. Don has a wealth of information in the area of ministry.
Bro. Don has served God in many roles in ministry for over 50 years now.
He is a great man, who's gone the course of time and proven himself again and again.
Again thank you Bro. Don for you many roles in this ministry, and in all your labors for our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ.
Additional Help has arrived.
From the beginning of our web site outreach ministry presence, Brother Tony Walton has been our "go to guy" for all things tech.
He has an extreme knowledge of the internet, web design, tracking, responding, and security issues on the World Wide Web.
In addition he holds a degree in electronics, and he remains the go to guy.
We call Bro. Tony the "Eltronic Guru"
Officer Tony Walton
I want to thank Brother Tony for all of his help, aid, and assistance in the creation of our web site.
Tony is a Lawman, and a good one. He upholds the constitution, and protects the peoples God given rights.
Please pray for him, his safety and that his needs be met.
Update: Tony has received some great blessings as of late.
Thank you for your prayers, it is paying off in a great & mighty way for Brother Tony, keep praying for him, don't slow down.
Tony keep up the good work.
Brother Daymond
Church Pastor
Another gospel singer has been added to the Church.
Brother Melvin 'Smokehouse' Moore
This here is a recent photograph of Brother's Melvin "Smokehouse" Moore and our Pastor Daymond in Marianna, Florida. These two men have been in Ministry and great friends for a little over 25 years now.
More about this and much more throughout the website, but we need to turn our attention to Jesus, and our main topic here of His Royal Sovereignty, and ours through him, and learn to be passive when possible, and defend ourselves whennot.
(at least the way it is explained)
God grants all rights, to each and every man at conception in the mothers womb, and he alone, and only he can revoke, suspend, remove, or alter these rights in any way. Not a man, court, government, or the like, not even a King, but God only. These are inalienable rights, natural rights, and common law rights. THESE ARE COMMON USAGE, AND CUSTOM RIGHTS AS WELL, PUT MORE PLAINLY, AKA "God Rights".
All these rights are superior, to all laws on earth, with emphasis on America, and our Constitution guarantees us "We The people" that the "body politic' CONTRACT with the government we made will honor, reconize and do all it has to do to keep full restrainment within the bounds of its manmade contract as an organic body, and will guarantee each and all of us People basic safety, security, and see to basic general welfare of us each and all to its best ability, within its contract of service, duties, responsibilities, accountabilities, so forth and within their oath of office, and to do any different is fraud, transgression, trespass, inpingement, and molestation, less than full faith and credit, and is with dishonor before God, Man and nation, and will be dealt with by common law.
Search and seizure in mass meta base data, interception, or other warrantless actions with OUT probable cause, and a specific set of information on an individual man or woman on a case by case bases is prohibited. The reason for doing such does not matter, such as the common line given ( aka National security ) as it's outside of the constitution, and therefore a crime by government agents, and a violation of their oath of office, and if acting de facto it is a matter for commerce in a bill of exchange, and depending on other factors it may be a state, and/or nation crime of a felony as well, or maybe civil only. All facts in any case will make it a civil, or criminal, or commerce violation, or a combination of one or more or all.
The only way one could possibly give any right away would be if you freely, knowingly, intelligently, with purpose, and in your right mind, with soberness gave up such God given rights, and only such specific rights at that. We feel, and believe even then it would be inpossible unless God agreed as well, and his word does not allow for it, if you are a child of his.
Any force, threat, trickery, fraud, coercion, intimidation, misleading, less than full disclosure with a reasonable known outcome would be all null and void, and without force of law, jurisdiction of any kind what so ever, lack of authority, non-enforceable, void of contract, lack of cause, lack of intent of any kind.
Know who you are. Our Father is the Supreme Sovereign of Sovereigns, in Heaven, Earth, and the Universe; and we are his Royal Family. Never forget who we are.
God whose name is Jesus; made man in his image Gen. 1:26-28. If you do not name God he can be any God. That's why ignort folks say we serve and praise the same God and we do not, unless your God's name is Jesus.
Pay attention and wake up.
"We The People"; each man separately; and as a whole made the organic government, through the jural society, and contracted by and through the constitution. Government incorporated in violation of its contract, committed fraud and has done so since 1861, by incorporating the government, then turned around and incorporated all business, and treated us like we were all business, and not men, and women.
This unlawful corporation goes by the name of government, and it's original duty was to bennifit and protect us each man and woman, as well as a whole; and those that work there were our servants. But as a corporation they can and do aviod you and I on a regular basis. We the People have never lost our original organic government, but unless you claim it, act upon it, stand up, you become sheep and lead to the slaughter.
They "Our Servants" have been lied to by attorneys, judges, and media over 100 years or longer, but in truth they, our servants must ask our permission before acting, or be in violation of our supreme law of the land; our constitution. Truth is supreme at all times. Organic vs. corporation, the corporation is the looser as it is a fiction, a non man, only on paper, with officers that act as its agent. do you know corporation means a DEAD MAN.
Failure to act in accordance within the limitations of the united states of America's constitution can and does bring on trickery, fraud, and treason. Our servants acting outside of their oath of office, are acting without authority and are chargeable with crimes of all various types.
Never forget that we are men created in the image of God. Gen. 1:26-28. The goverment is MADE and is a corporation/fiction on paper that is to do our will by and through our servants in our constitutional Republic. The government has stepped outside of it's authority to remake it's self into a corporation to avoid truth, crimes against it's self and it's agents. It aint so brothers, its false and they can and are being called out daily, and some going to jail, prision, being fined, etc. things are changing, but slowly.
Created and Made are night and day different. One is a GOD ACT and the other a MAN ACT. In fact sometimes it is a criminal act to incorporate, such as the government did in 1861, fail to disclose, to get the concent of the people, to fraud the people, and to continue it is continued fraud daily for over 150 years and counting.
The organic government cannot incorporate as it has three branches and is forbidden to incorporate three into one, which would be required to incorporate. Our Government is still organic, but must be made to act accordingly. The actors in place of office and so installed are fraud.
This current government is fraud, and is full of actors playing the part of the true Man or woman that should be elected into office, and installed into office, not voted into office, and placced into office to act. Few such offices still exsist under common law of the people.
Thats one reason we do not have real money any longer. The last real money we had was in 1964 which was silver, all dimes, quarters, half dollars, and silver dollars could be called such, as they were 90% silver.
One exception was we did have Kennedy half's that were 40% silver till 1970.
1970 was the last real money Americans ever had. Now we have Federal Reserve Notes that have no value at all as they were made out of thin air, with no gold or silver to back it.
The minute the people say we will no longer accept a FRN the fiat currency fails, falls, and collapses.
The stock market falls, and America falls into 1850's type time line, no running water, no electricity, no showers, no cars, no gas.
More Bible truth's
All sin is sin, but some sin appears by man's logic to rise up to God to a whole new level of horror, and grief.
Murder and Homosexuality are the two that do that. Why you may ask. Well God makes so many references specific to these two sins unlike anything else in the bible.
Murder of course is to take Gods creation and destroy it. It does not matter if it's in the womb, or a 80 year old man. We think God has been grieved the most by murder in the womb as the baby is totlly helpless.
Homosexuality because it is specifically against God's Natural order of Nature. God has specifically destroyed a city for this sin. For a whole city to be distroyed over this horrid sin should say enough about it.
To abort a God given child with God given rights at the time of devine conception in the womb from the almighty is MURDER, plain and simple.
No woman has a SPECIAL RIGHT to MURDER what God created. That is insane. The doctor and the would be mother conspire together to commit MURDER, and will be held to account to God, on judgment day.
They will also reap what they sow here on earth as well. No man or woman can escape God's judgment. One must account for all things especially cold blooded murder.
We all reap what we sow good, bad, or otherwise.
** denotes an Explanation/Definition
- Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an "abomination". **( Abomination before God and man )
The noun "abomination" means a thing or act, that is vile, vicious or hideous. Something to be ashamed of doing.
- Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a man as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their "bloodguiltness" is upon them."
- ** ("Detestable act") **( Bloodguittness)
- Detestable means abhorrent, hateful, repulsive, revolting, disgusting, dispictable, horrid, abominable.
- Bloodguiltness means an asortment of things, but in simple it means in the same arianna as unlawful murder, blood upon your hands, upon your families name. ( this is to be taken as extreame in nature, life, and before God above all, God does not change. Sin then, is sin now.) This was so serious the sentence was death at the time of it's writting. In some nations/countries death is still the sentence for Homosexual acts.
- 1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?
- Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminates, nor homosexuals, nor
- thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the Kingdom of God."
** Unrightious covers a lot of territory. It plainly calls out all sexual sin, which is every kind of sex, except that of a God Ordained Marriage of a man and a woman.
It plainly speaks of all evil doer's, thieves, swindlers, conmen, and basically covers most politicians in modern times, as well as corporate executives on the land and sea today.
It basically says if you are not right, forgiven, and washed/baptized in the blood and name of Jesus, you have a one way ticket to Hell.
- Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for "their women exchanged" the natural function for that which is unnatural,
- 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
- 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."
Rom. 1:26-28 tells us that Men and women alike turned from Gods nature of a man and a woman, to the same sex, ( Homosexual ) acts of sin. This sinful life was so repulsive to God the almighty he gave them to a depraved mind.
A depraved mind is an evil mind, constantly thinking of unnatural ungodly things.
That explains things like
"Gay Pride Events", LGBTQ acts/events, as no one in their right mind would want anyone to know of their sin that was so repulsive to God, let alone call it a pride event.
The truth is the truth, and it has no agenda except to be what it is.
We do fully know it says adulters, and so forth and so on, but we are focused on the subject matter here specifically of Homosexuality.
All people admit adultary, and fornication, and being a drunkard are sins and will keep them out of heaven, but many say being a Homosexual is a O.K. and even have parades and parties to proclaim it. That is perverted, false, and dishonest.
We have never seen any man or woman openly say they are drunkards, adulters, fornicators, evil doer's and proclaim it and have a parade in regards to it as
They are ashamed of it as they should be, but not Homosexuals. They want to put it in Gods face, and spit upon him, and for this they will pay some now as sowers of bad seed, and once again in the final judgment.
There is no such a thing as a 'HOMOSEXUAL' marriage. God forbids Homosexuality, and God set up The marriage covenant between himself as head, a man as the womans covering and a woman as his help mate.
These so called marriages of homosexuals are a state sponsored action, not a Chrisitan marriage as God approved and authorized, they are a full on false, counterfit marriage of Satain.
Since God owns Marriage as it's creator and he said NO to anything except man and woman. So then when 2 men or 2 women get together its other than marriage....aka a STATE CIVIL UNION.....NON MARRIAGE...
You see when Homosexuals say they want Homosexual Marriage they mean they want God and the people's blessing, acceptance, and to be embraced. That which is forbiden.
The scriptures clearly state God not only refutes, rebukes, forbids, and states such acts, and behaviour is a sin against natue/himself and it violates Gods plan for man.
So they is no equal so called marriage of Homosexuals.
They are not a married, and they should be called something else intirely.
Maybe civil commitment, civil agreements, civil contracts, but not marriage, as it seems to candy coat a falsehood and to cover sin up as though God will not see it. How foolish can one be.
Some so called Christian Ministers have lusted for money, fame, cars, and some of these same lusting, false ministers have said Homosexual Marriage is ok, and will in fact so called marry them in the Church.
This is false and perverted, and it does not in any way what so ever change Gods will, or otherwise change God's commandments.
In fact they will be judged first, as God says he will clean up the Church first; then the rest.
So these so called ministers, aka men of God have given grief to God, disobeyed God, spit in Gods face knowing better, all to simply satisfy about 5-7% of the population against Gods will.
They will be the first to pay up for the wrong doing.
They are to be Gods mouth piece, a role model. They have fallen from grace due to their false acts, and lies will have these peoples blood on their hands, and they will reap what they sow.
In other words if a so called minister said it was ok to have sex with animals, or children, or to run through town naked, would you do that? NO.NO.NO
Just remember so called ministers some time are themselves, back slidden, in a bad place, deep in sin themselves and are now basicly an imposter of sorts for lack of a better expression.
They are acting a part for the people, while yet not doing God's will.
God does no allow any man to approve anything he has forbidden.
So all things any one minister or otherwise says is ok with God; and his"GOD"S" word-bible says is false, is false.
A grave penality will have to be paid by all the men and women involved, no free passes.
Homosexuals are sick with lust, and in an unnatural way. The same is true with adulters. Being a drunkard or a Homosexual will both get you to Hell, as well as any sin will.
Before we close this area of scripture and topic we feel it should be mentioned that gossip, back biting, giveing false testimoney, stealing, abusing anyone especially the young or elderly,cheating, fighting, entertaining a witch, soothsayer, or intertaining wicked imiginations is all wrong/sin and is forbiden by God.
All these and any sin will seperate you from God and send you to an eternal hell. Dont play games with God.
A quick explination. A soothsayer is a future teller, or card reader, and a witch is normaly understood in modern times, but all witchcraft is known as a dark art, or often times called black magic, or Satan's magic, and is in the same area as vodoo.
Dont be tricked in belieing their is such as thing as White Magic - or it's good, some teach a false belief.
Rebellion gainst proper a form of witchcraft for example. The way to distruction is wide, but the pathway to God is narrow.
We simply took the time as so many have asked about this topic in God's word, and what some ministers say, or in some cases say they are forced to do, in fact in many case's, against their will, or by some so called inferior law.
In reality God's law is supreme, and we here will pray, defend, and refer any minister to help he needs if he is being forced to act in an ungodly way.
No matter what the issue is at all.
Thank you all from across America, and around the world for your invatations to come visit, preach, teach, exhort the word of God, and help you to build your ministry.
We have and will continue to do what we can as funds, times, and ability present it's self within God's will and timeing. We do not want to miss Gods will and timing on anything.
We have received e-mails from all over the USA, as well as the world. All of you thanking us for teaching the truth about God/Jesus, and the founding of our great and ordained nation, as well as the true de jure nature of common law and it's full authority, as well as de facto law and lack of authority/jurisdiction, ment to be an emergency substitute for a short period of time. Not from the year 1861 to current day.
God's Law - Natural law - Common law
are the same thing in a nut shell.
God is "natural law - common law" so that is why we teach it here at our outreach ministry as a learning tool in this world of tricks, misleading of people, lies, and wrong doing. Many people asked why we teach it here, and so now we give you all the answers here.
You ask us questions and we post answers here in the introduction page and/or on the various page/subject area/icon that apply to the question.
You may submit questions, comments, or thoughts to us at our email address at
or you may go to Bro. Don's page and call him if you desire to do so, on his private phone number. Please call him after 5pm. but before 9pm M-F
GOD is the Supreme Sovereign of all Sovereigns as he is the Creator and master of all.
God is our Father and we are goverments, it's simple. Why do you think our founders are called the Founding "Fathers".
God is our Father and we are governments Father, so simple, it's simple. each owe's it's exsistance, duty, and loyality to it's creator, or maker.
God is the only creator, whereas we make or establish things such as a body of goverment. If a body turns upon it's maker it is called Cancer, which is our current state of affairs in America.
To create is to bring into being out of nothing at all; or change into something other than was original;and God alone can only do this.
Case in point, Man was clay, and God changed and created man from clay into flesh and blood in his image, and no man can do such a thing as creation.
SIMPLE, DO YOU GET IT NOW.!!!! Praise God Almighty
"We The People" are Father both on paper and in reality.
So we are above the goverment in all ways. We are it's Father.
When our children/servants/government get out of order of God's laws we must disapline then according to Gods laws.
Common law is natural law, which is Gods law. In our national constitution it refers to Natures God, and natures law, this is the connection and authority it states vary clearly.
It goes on to say we "Ordain" this. To Ordain is to involk Gods Blessing in a Church ceramoney before God.
It's a laying down of man's law before him and knowing if man's law conflicts with Gods law, then Gods shall always prevail. For it is God who gives us all rights.
We as a new and Christian Nation knew and agreed that is was a known truth that need not mention that God was the life giver, first law giver, only right's giver, and he was the protector, and supreme sovereign.
Nothing has changed except the government.
We are actualy Maker/Father/BOSS lawfuly as well according to the constitution, however the courts have not always agreed. They have moved away from God, just as some Kings did. Read the scriptures for yourselves. Be not ignort.
The court system is made up of Attorney's at law and as such are members of a BAR association,
"British Acredidation Regestery".
did you know Attorney's are SEA CREATURES???
There is a difference in an Attorney at Law esquire, and a Lawyer, even though both terms are used inner changeable daily as meaning the same thing, but do not at all; without folks knowing the difference.
A private Man can be his own lawyer, or appoint one for himself, that's the law.
This requires no specific training, schooling, license or other type regestration of nobility.
While an Attorney at Law esquire - is nobility & does require schooling, certifacation, regestration, and pass the BAR. There is no such a thing as a licensed's a myth ....
Attorneys get a bar card - a certification - not any license,
No man can really be truely charged with practicing law without a license as non exsists.
Its a comon law right for any man to practice common law, and to act on his own behalf.
By law an IDIOT hires an attorney at law.....a man is in law....."at" means at the en bank, or otherwise on the side..........
"a man in law means in it"
Like near the soup or in the soup...2 different things entirely-----big difference.
According to the original 13th admendment as passed and ratified on March 12th, 1812 any person whom holds a title or right of nobility is not a Citizen of the united states. If anyone holds a right by a foreign government, ruler or such unless congress allows any specific esquire, title holder, or hounor to hold such title and right of nobility/royal title that person is no longer a Citizen.
Such person as above can not be a Judge, Sheriff, President, Congressmen, city councilmen, policemen, firefighter, and so forth. It's true, this is fact and not make believe.
heres the actual admendment as ratified below, and is still the law.
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."
For over 50 years the 13th Amendment was included in the publications of the Constitution for the united States of America.
Many States, Territories, and even the Federal Government, itself, printed copies of the Constitution containing this Amendment.
It was unlawfully removed, consealed, hidden by persons unknown for their own personal greed and aggrandizement.
So it's still true law, and is positive in nature and must be obeyed. Hiding the truth last for only so long, as God always shines his Holy Ghost light upon it.
Even though it was properly ratified, it appears that it was never enforced. Thus, all laws, treaties, appointments of officers to government positions, and other acts and actions of the Federal government since 1812 are of questionable validity and may therefore be all null and void.
Most whom are aware of this state that all laws beyond 1812 that came into being by way of one or more people who are an Esquire, or hold other title of nobility are with all certainty null and void.
Think of this, the entire Supreme Court of the USA are all esquires, so they would all have to requse themselves from any case that come before them in reguards to this as a conflict of interest, so in essence it can never truely be herd.
Think about that. The only way would be if congress said we under the original 13th admendment will and do allow all current Supreme court Justices to hold the title of Esquire to hold court on such a matter, or they could all denounce the BAR, and resend their BAR CARDS, and titles and have court we do believe.
There is always a remedy at law for all matters as it is a Maxims of law. Meaning a supreme law in to it's self.
All Attorney's at Law esquire, and also all Judges are not citizens of the United States, and cannot hold office. So the system is fraud. Fraud/Treason, without authority, and without jurisdiction over the subject matter, the man, or the location, aka venue.
Abraham Lincoln a BAR member knew he had to somehow remove or hide the original 13th admendment and replace it, but fourtunately for us "We The People" the truth was uncovered and verified over and over, so in essence we have two (2) 13th admendments, or a long 13th admendment starting with the first one first and the second one to follow up where the first one stops..
Not no Small fact, almost no man or woman knows this because the truth has been hidden.
The 14th admendment was not lawfully rattified, and is null and void, and if it had been passed it would have created a new type citizen that had never exsisted before.
This was soley done for the newly freed slaves, and did not change anyone elses status as a freeborn sovereign man of a state republic, where as a newly "made" citizen was a citizen of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC., not a geographic state republic Citizen, but was in fact made a citizen of the UNITED STATES OF America INC.,
That would mean this newly made citizen only had civil rights, whereas all current exsisting free men, and their prosperity pyror to such admendment had inalienable rights.
This made them : Newly freed salves" truely 2nd class citizens, with a little "c" in citizen, and only a citizen in Washington City at that, now known as Washington DC, as well as upon Military reservations, and other places the USA Government owned, or leased land such as a terrority, Post Office, etc., But not in any State.
There are Supreme Court Cases that State that Fact. This is not fiction.
If you believe in the 14 admendment then you believe there are two (2) classes of citizens, one (1) a Sovereign Citizen with inalienable rights as a State Citizen, and the other a Special citizen of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC. who has only lessor civil rights.
You see goverement can only give a civil right, but God grants inalienable rights.
Inalinable rights trup civil rights at all times in any matter at law, when involked.
That is why if a white man, and a black man went to court a white man had always won
as, by law as he has inalienable rights that trumpted a black man's civil rights. It's true, and perverted.
Remember a civil right is really a privledge, and a privlidge can be given and taken at will by that government at any time.
You see thats why they say a driver license is a privlidge so they can revolke it, suspend it, charge a fee for it, but in reality its a commercial license.
If you are a free man or woman you can travel by foot, car, train, bus, plane, and no license is needed as its your God given right to freely travel the land without any papers.
We here at the Sovereign Church of Jesus believe all men are created by God, and are absolutely free. We however must teach the truth, and make the proper corrections under the true de jure law to state the known facts that all men are created by God free and equal.
It is the national goverment that treats whites and blacks differently, not the people.
These new so called rights given to former slaves were actually civil rights that came from goverment, and were actually privlidges, not rights, and certainly not inalienable rights that come from God.
"BY LAW" This ment that the government owned these former slaves as a resource of the government entity, and was responsible for them in a simular way as indiands being wards of the state, by so called freedom on a government controlled reservation.
Except the newly freed slaves were allowed to travel the land in general, and not placed upon a reservation. In fact that is where the term came from "Human Resources" and for State Citizens with a capitol "C' in Citizens their office was called "Man Power" or "Personel".
Human as in Human Resources was to mean other animal, but not a State Citizen Man, or woman. These were and are still the law to this day and enforceable if a man or woman uses them correctly.
So these newly freed slaves were booty/bounty of the winning side of the war, being the united states of America INC., and as such they freed them, and gave them a set of civil rights upon Federal land holdings such as Washington DC, Federal Enclaves, and American Territories abroad.
In essence newly freed slaves were a citizen in Washington DC, and could travel across the country unmolested, but could be mistreated by the system as they were not citizens of a state republic, yet had some minor Federal protection, and is why the seperate but equal was so called legal, but not lawful.
The Federal Government could not grant state republic citizenships; which is to say God given inalienable rights, as it "government" did not own, have right, or have authority, or jurisdiction to grant such, and the states refused to do so, both north and south alike.
We here at the church think this is unfair, and should not be so, but it is true and the law, and the supreme court has said we have 2 type/classes of cizitens.
We think all men are free, equal, and created by God, and has inalienable right, but the government "plays games" with "words", "pharses, and meanings".
No attorney at law, esquire will acknowledge this ( original 13th admendment ) as it would put them out of business immediately. Attorneys were and are for contracts, and no Other reason. They are bared from lawful courtrooms, except to explain a lawful contract at controversy.
Their ( Attorney's ) first duty is to the United Kingdom's Crown, not Queen Elizibeth. The CROWN is seperate from the Royal Family, another trick of Bankers and Lawyers.
Their second duty is to the FEDERAL BAR, & Supreme Court
the third is to the supreme court in the STATE in which they practice, and/or in the Federal courts they practice.
Their fourth duty is to the supreme court de facto, and
finaly you are fifth and last in line.
That is why they (ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, ESQUIRE), always stipulate jurisdiction over you, the "subject" matter, and venue. Subject as in the Kings Subject, but in this time the Courts "Subject".
That is why the court assumes authority over you and treats you badly, unless you know the true law, envoke it, and stay the course.
( Stipulate means, no contest, we agree, We will not challange the court, it's jurisdiction over the man, the subject matter, and the geografic "lawful location"/venue, authority, outcomes, etc. )
( This means you are sunk before you start. You have a loaded deck against you to start with, before you even really get going. )
Without stipulation there is no such automatic jurisdiction, and the court is also without any authority.
Know your history, know your true de jure law, and above all trust Jesus and his truth and you will be made free, not set free as is often quoted. There is a difference.
To make is absolute, to set is to allow, and is a big difference. Study to show yourselves approved.
Think about this for a moment. The Judge, The Prosecuter, The Sheriff, and even your own Attorney all serve the same system de facto, non de jure; and are grouped against you in an unfair and unlevel playing field from the word go.
Why in Gods name would you hire an attorney that will stipulate you first rattle out of the box, and destroy your most excellent challange to this unlawful system of de facto courts, and stop the works as it were. No court can proceed till jurisdiction is established, get it now.
Even if the judge says he has jurisdiction and goes on like you were not even in the room as it were, you state it for the record that you object, and further for the record state that you do not recognize this so called court and state, as it is without jurisdiction, and lack of authority based on numberious supreme court cases, and the constitution.
finally state this court in not a title III court as gaurenteed by constitution, and that I am a man created in Gods image Gen 1:26-28 rebuke this unlawful act.
This will automaticlly give you an excellent chance at winning an appeal, all the way to the supreme court, and stand as Sovereign when it gets there.
Low courts are quick to say and do a lot of unlawful things, and you only have to be on the record with proper objections to all elements of every issue, and the higher courts will normaly overturn any convictions, actions, court orders etc, and caution the lower courts.
We are here for you. Always remember Jesus loves you, and he died for you, what are you doing for him today. ???
Look up Carl Miller on youtube. AKA the Constitution man. He does a great job explaining the same thing we teach, but in video form. We support Brother Carl.
Do yourselves a favor.
Get the following books
if you do not currently have them
in this order.
1. Holy Bible, KJV ( it is the most trusted/complete and accurate/no adding or subtraction bible out there. We recommend a thompson chain reference bible as it is solid, and is a great helps in study.
2. Blacks law dictionary. Words have meaning, especially in court. especially an older one say 20-30 years ago, as the newer ones are making suttle changes that are important, or get a new and old one.
We especially like the 6th edition and can be bought on line through amazon or other simular places from 11.00-19.00 dollars, but some sell them for 100.00 or more dollars so take time and look around.
We also say if you have funds you may want to get the original 1st addition as well. You will see different words, and/or meanings in defination. It is close to the time the constitution was wrote so it's means, words, pharases will be the absolute closest to the constitution when unwinding the constitution for your education.
3. Words and Pharases, in a law book store, so as to further your law education. This way when you are in a court, you will know the correct word(s) and terms, and how to use them, and not mess up, and go to jail for something stupid.
A words and pharases from 1790's is an excellent choice, and a modern one as well, and you will see specific changes, but you are free to use the oldest ones as the meaning have never really changes, just the way some want you to think has changed.
You will learn just how slick government lawyers are in making changes real slow so as not to be noticed over 25-50-100 year or longer as a slow cooker of the peoples God given rights being cooked away.
4. Shepards Citations, it will tell you if a court case still stands or has been over turned. If the case law has never been turned over and your case is the same, or extremely close you can use it as a rock solid defense for your remedy and relief.
5. American Jurisprudence, 2nd it will wake you up fast, as to how courts, and judges make decessions, rules, procedures, catch phrases/words, and how to work in, and around the system, to get justice for your just relief.
Again not a bad idea to get the 1st addition as well.
these 5 books provide you with knowledge, wisdom, strength, conviction, morality, honesty, hope, skills, and abilities and you will win now, or later. Never give up.
This Church has had an active outreach ministry for about five (5) plus years now. The church it's self was established by God on June 01, 2003
This ministry was established 50 plus years ago in Pastor Daymond's heart when he was created by God.
You may become a member, decon, or elder if you choose to. You state your desire to be a part of this labor in brotherhood and God will add you, and we will issue you a written document/instrument to attest to such if you desire one.
NO COST at all. However, If you desire to give a donation we will accept it for the good of this ministry, for what ever the cause, such as tithes, love offering, to help with cost of operations, this outreach, for printer paper, ink for printer, computer costs and upgrades, cost of hosting this website, or just a general help laid on your heart by GOD almighty our Lord Jesus.
We are now ready to except e.mail from anyone whom wishes to learn more about God, his mercy, love, grace, long suffering, judgement's, his absoluteness/finality; and his Kingdom first and foremost by repenting of you're sins, asking forgiveness, and being baptised.
We can place you on the daily devotion sent out by Associate Pastor Donald G. Dewrell through his ministry Speaking the Truth Ministry, which is our sister ministry.
We are now also ready to except e.mail from anyone whom wishes to learn more about firearms, self defense, weapons and tools for self defense, constitutional studies and alternative energy studies, living off the grid, and being prepared for what ever comes in life.
We Christians should be ready for peace and love, but prepared to defend ourselves as well.
If enough folks want to study these above areas of need we can set up a e.mail lesson plan for a group on the bible, Jesus, God, forgiveness, mercy, etc.
We can also do the same for self defence, or living off the grid, and other stratigies to survive in case of disaster of what ever kind it may be. Remember if We can't help ourselves we cant help others.
We can and will come to your state and preach/evangalize, and/or teach self defence/self survival, and/or bring several self protection tools, weapons, and firearms to demonstrate, and acklanate you too, teach you how to use, and if you desire we can sell these items to you as a man, under God's law as well as Under the second admendment protections, as well as all the additional and unlimited constitutional protections.
we will accept donations, for this ministry/church as well as for training, tools, books, etc., except evangeliclistic church services out in the field which cost nothing, but we will accept a love offering if one it taken up.
We must except donations of federal reserve notes, under duress, as they are a dept note, and not money. We prefer gold, silver, or other thing of VALUE in order to reinburse ourselves in the cost/buying power of transportation, lodging, meals, rental facilities, etc., and to bring in some additional people beyond ourselves if needed, whom are also specially trained, and experienced in specific knowledge base's, with special asset skills in any one of the covered areas.
We will bring ministers of all types, gospel singers, and self defence experts and tools for teaching you anything you want to know in these covered area's, or limit it to any specific area, and with just one or two people so as to keep things low in cost to us.
General notice
Any surplus thing of value donated to the church after basic expences to cover costs of classes, and reinburstments of our costs will be used to expand and advance this ministry.
Why do we offer this to our brother and sister christians. Because many have asked about it, and we know all christians should be self independant.
All Christians should have the ability and desire to help others while defending our lives, and our God given rights.
This preaching, teaching, selling, failitating of bibles, lessons, tools, weapons of self defense, and such is on going.
We accept love offering at preaching events. No one is ever charged one cent for any of Gods lessons, teachings, and preaching, only other material items such as an axe to chop fire wood Private Personal alams etc. to supplement the ministry, and help our Christian family.
We state that we are law abiding men and women, not a cult, non radical, non extremist except to serve God to the best of our ability. We only ask/demand our servants in government leave us alone as provided by law.
Allow us to fully exercise our God given inalienable rights, to be free of incumberment, hassle us not, not molest us, inpinge us, limit us, obstruct us, ask us for permits, papers, license, government approval for anything at all, and observe the constitution and it's restraints on government and it's limited authority. We demand government officials, agents and such leave us alone as we are outside of their authority, realm, jurisdiction, as we are under Gods law, as he is the first law giver, and his word/law/bible is first-final in all authority, law, jurisdiction.
We freely express our ideas, thoughts, freedom of press, religion, travel, associations, or lack of such, to do for ourselves as we choose and do no harm to others.
To not be compelled to testify against ourselfes, be threaened, coerced, forced, lied too, tricked, mislead, given a lack of full disclousure given, made to get license for a right such as travel, or to carry a gun, gather up as a people for lawful purpose, etc., and to not call our God given right(s) a mere privlidge.
Our nation was set aside for a purpose of, and by God. If you really read the founding documents and look at each word and apply it to it's time and place and further see it was "ORDAINED" you will know what we already know.
God set us aside as a Christian Nation. This fact was proclaimed by the Supreme Court over 100 years ago.
The house of representatives was used as a Church for many years, did you know that? and they say Church and State are seperate, we dont think so, study this out in depth. We have all the answers, but if we tell you everything, and you do not dig it up your self then it wont stick as well as it were.
All Kings were ordained, in a church service by God, through his servants. Ministers are ordained in a church service by God, through his servants.
That is why you have always heard it said The"Devine Rights of Kings" and "God Save The King"
In our Nation we are all Ordained as Kings by our Creator God, and he bestows all these rights of Kings upon all of us each one.
All Men are Kings, but without any subjects, as we are all equal.
Have you heard it said we are all Equal under the law, what law? the law of God, backed up and gaurenteed in man's Supreme Law of the land in Our Republic's Constitution.
Sometimes refered to as "Republic of The united states of America"
This nation was ORDAINED by God through his servants, do you get it now. Do you see it now???
If we have the above classes we will teach you this and so much more truth, and teach you how to protect your self and your family and friends.
We fully believe no man owes any tax upon his labors, as it is his own personal private property granted to him by God, and not taxable, and even the supreme court has so ruled.
The supreme Court was very specific. They went as far as to say if a man volunteers to be a tax payer thats fine.
They said there are tax payers, and non tax payers, according to law, which is 100% diferent and apart from a tax protestor.
They said no man owes any tax on any of his labor as it is the fountain of all his exsistance, and to tax it places a tax on a right, and is unconstitutional.
To do such would be to tax a man for simply exsisting/living, and such is strictly forbidden.
You cannot tax a man for living, and exsisting.
How ever a man can volunteer if he chooses too. A volunteer can stop being a volunteer at any time as well.
No right can be taxed, thats why you cannot be made to get a so called driver license, as it violates you right of free travel by the fee/tax placed upon the right, and call it a privlidge. Get it now?? Except paid commerce such as trucking, transporting of goods from place to place. Understand??
A tax protestor says he believes he owes tax, but protests them, or he wants the rate of tax to be lower, while a non tax payer which is most likely 96% of all Americans if they envoke there status as a man, or woman, not a corporation or some such thing, a creature of fiction, make belive, or fantasy and make such claim as an exsisting man or woman with flesh and blood makeing labor, not work.
Labor and work are different.
Words and pharses, learn them, they sound alike and seem inner changeable, but in law, and what passes for law means a lot of difference.
If you believe you have a tax liability as you live in Washington D.C. or on a federal reservation, or you are a tax payer by choice then pay it.
We donot say not to pay a debt you believe you owe, but we do not wish you to be tricked, coerced, or frauded as most folks are.
However with that said for anyone who claims a tax liability, or volunteers to pay such for what ever their reason, We will issue a tax deductable reciept to anyone whom needs one. We are automaticly exempt as a church and need not be a 501(c) 3 or any other type non profit to issue such.
If fact we do not believe any Church of God's should be so regestered, and/or regulated as non profit, or be a part of the government or it's associates. To get the governments blessing, and stamp of approval has a heavy price attached to it with many strings.
Why apply for what you already have in place under your God given rights, constitutional inalieanble rights, and even the IRS own IRC publications tell you so as well.
If you do so you must have government approval to preach any given areas of concern, and if you violate it "you can be fined" and "you can go to jail". Why is because you are a corporation first and formost, and no longer a church in the eyes of government.
We "HERE" are totally outside this jurisdiction, and all churchs are unless they waive that God given right and become a government non profit corporation.( Sub-survant to government )
benieth government which is perverse, to being the overseer of such.
Study our true word of God, and the true founding of this nation. It will come together like a puzzle, and your blinders will be lifted.
We are called first to testify to Jesus Christ, and that he saves souls, and he will save your soul if you repent, and take him as your saviour. We are also called to testify to the truth of our great nation and it's founding as a christian nation, but stil yet, all men are free to serve God in their own way, or not at all, and further to correct dangerious false teachings to our people such as the "seperation of church and state", and other falsehooded lies of this wicked world.
Remember we are simply passing through this is not our home. However we must labor in good spirits, and come to a proper understanding of this world, and our government we made, and control it, as we do our cattle. Our government is not smart, and uses little to no wisdom in most matters. it is our fault that government acts in this manor as we have allowed our servants to turn upon us and allowed them to usurp our rights de facto for a season, but it is time to recall our God given rights. It is time to go back to a God fearing de jure nation upon which we were built.
President Thomas Jefferson said the goverment was to stay out of religious matters, but he never said the church was to stay out of goverment matters. In fact in his writtings he speaks to the need of "We the People" as christians we were to be good stewarts of God's bounty, blessings, and to over see our government and it's proper function. To be a part of it in fact. Not to force our beliefs on anyone, but to use our God given morals, values, ethics, sence of right vs. wrong and to act accordingly to all men.
If we were to stand aside and allow our made government to be run by heathens then our government would become an immoral nation of worldly people without restraint, and he was correct, and remains correct.
We now have homosexuals in government which was strickly forbidden and rightly so from our origination as a nation all the way till the 1990's under Slick Willey " Bill Clinton" and his unholy alliance with such people.
We now have homosexuals so called getting married. No homosexuals are truely married as that is a God word, and Gods instutituation and no man, woman, or governent can override God. Government can only do as we allow it to do.
If two homosexuals want to be a joined corporation with corporation rights that is allowable under law in all 50 states and in federal law upon federal reservations of the de facto UNITED STATES. Commonly refered to as a civil union, or a simular worded code of government rule, or law, or regulation. Non de jure, in the de facto arena.
The government plays a pretend game in this arena. We now have homosexuals in the military which is a mistake in the highest order, again thanks to Bill Clinton.
When men lay down with men, and woman lay with woman which is an abomination to and a stinch in God's nosterals and they say it's ok, that is a lie out of the pit of Hell from that old devil, the fallen angel.
Dont be tricked, fooled, or be lied to and never relent to such people. We know it's not politically correct, but God has never told us to be politically correct, or to associate with such a man or woman, except to rebuke them, and pray for them, and if still yet they refuse to surrender to God and repent of this horriable sin, we are to seperate ourselves from them that they may examine themselves closer and change.
Yes all sex, and sexual activity beyond one man, and one woman being married is sin and the wages of sin is eternal death. One can and should repent of such sins, and all sins, be baptised for the remissions of their sins and be added to Gods, "the lambs book of life" and be added to Gods Kindom not of this world.
When these people ( Homosexuals ) use words like Gay it is totally deceptive, as Gay means to be happy. So they try to convience us that they are happy people which is another lie. Some say we were born like this, which is another lie.
Shall we say that baby rappers, bank robbers, car jackers, thiefs, and the like are also o.k. as they were born like this. We think not. All men and women have feelings and thoughts during their lifetime on planet earth to do things that are sinful, but they rebuke it, and fight it, and do not give into their evil and wicked imagination(s) as God says to cast down every evil imagination.
If one allow these thoughts to continue and to ponder them, and began to fatasize about these thoughts till it becomes so thrilling that they will act upon them during a fever pitch; as it's the forbiden fruit. ( the gardern of eden ) experience.
Always be watchful. Satan does not show himself for who he is. He appears as an angel of light or truth, but is counterfit.
We know men, and women whom have come out from under Satan's spell of demonic possession to commit homosexual acts. They all later married, in Gods church, and now have children. They shared their testimony with the church and anyone whom would listen.
When they in turn confronted active homosexuals and told it like it was and rebuked then and shinned Gods light on them the demon came up in them and as it was confronted by Gods truth.
You can, and often do see this in the media, but not stated correctly. They say things like an argument broke out among the crowd to day at a "Gay Pride" event.
It is perverted to say ( Gay Pride ) as that is a spit and slap in the face of God. It is totally opposite of what God created man for, and man's charge to be fruitful. No two men, nor two women can make a baby. Yes with todays technology it is possible, but do they have a soul? How does God look upon this ?
Shall a man or woman spit and slap Gods face and say bless me, and save me. How arogant can one be. It goes back to
"a double minded man is unstable in all his ways". KJV James 1:5-08.
IIf you are struggling with this evil spirit, or any other strong hold spirit we are here for you, and will pray with and for you till God speaks miracle deliverence unto you.
The church has always been involved in goverment matters. That is why a prayer is/was given in most courts till the 1950's, as well as all public schools, and is still given in some courts and school to this day.
That's why the congress and senate have a tax payer paid chaplin in both houses of congress, and always has since this countries founding.
The founders went out and hired the first chaplin. Don't be fooled. Be wise and harmless except to defend yourself or another.
Always be watchful. Satan does not show himself for who he is. He appears as an angel of light or truth, but is counterfit.
The church has always been the store house for "We The People" and it was a place of welfare and relief for the family of God. Government converted and perverted this creation of Gods church into the STATE welfare system, and Federal STATE walfare system.
So then government becomes The God of many, But not "We The People" That is why there is such a wide devide in this nation of people because we have two different Gods.
We as a people of one nation cannot get along no more than a drunk man, and a sober man can. Remember God said not to become drunk on this world, and STILL YET many have.
We do no mix and match our words. We are commanded by God to publish his word. The labors we are to perform, the outreach we are to engage in to add to his Kingdom, to the best of our ability.
I have 41 years in ministry as a saved child of God’s. Bro. Don has 50 or more as I recall. Brother Elder Warren K. Nelson has 50 OR MORE. The point is we have over 140 years of study and devotion to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ BETWEEN US.
Men make mistakes, but God never does. His word is infallible, thus any mistakes are ours. We think, study, and pray before putting anything onto our Church's; worldwide outreach ministry website.
Some folks are super critical that we have taken the time here to explain ourselves to the public, and/or explain our government and history in the over all picture, and how such effects us as christians on a daily basis.
Our nation was set up originally whereas "We The People" as a christian nation was to oversee our nation, and it's government. We did a good job till 1861 and the war between the states/civil war and we lost our way for the next 100 years in goverment oversite of our servants.
They ran wild over the years. We The People" have been laboring in earnest to recover our true de jure goverment since the 1960's again with a great deal of success since the early 1990's.
We went from about 100,000 people laboring in our recovery of our true nation in 1960 or so, to about 30 million people laboring in 2015. There has been an incrediable ground swell of people in the last 4-7 years. "We The People" are waking from a long nights sleep of over 100 years, begaining in 1960 and it's continues to grow every day. We will prevail.
God desires a man to have and use wisdom. A man must learn all the basics of his environment along with his knowledge of God. He must know the traps, snares, and tolls’ taken. For lack of understanding, preperation, and such he is most likely to fall prey to our unlawfully acting de facto government.
Our fiction/corporation/ government we organized to do our will has come after us; it's originator and benafactor. That is perverted
If you agree with us great, if you do not ok as well. Just remember we take many hours and a great deal of devotion to publish this ministry. It takes additional time to prepare our church news. We call it. ( I was thinking Show).
This is our Church's official publication of this ministry. You can be added by email request. We cover life as a Christian along with God’s scripture/word, and how to apply such. The Lord God desires you not be tricked, lied to, frauded, treated wrongly. We teach you the truth for you and your family.
We are not a part of this world but only passing through. One scripture states life is but a vapor. We must know how to live and survive while here, as well as the full truth.
All the truth. When our representatives/senators and govenors in the 50 states of our nation, as well as at the national level including the president and vice president lie, cheat, steal, and act unconstitutionally we must know it and call them out. They must be impeached and removed from office immediately.
Our christian duty is to our brothers and sisters across this land and around the world. We must then bring truth as it makes us free.
So keep these things in mind.
All men are created equal and they are endowed by their creator, which is God, and in his image we are made, and he granted certain unalieanable rights, that amoung them are life, liberty; and the pursuite of happiness. Thus no man, government, or entity can infringe, usurp, abridge or the like these God given rights. You may or may not exercise these rights for whatever the reason, but they are yours from creation in you mothers womb till Jesus comes back for you. Jesus sent you forth, and one day he will recall you home, from whinst you came originally.
Unalieanable Rights, really, totaly, and fully mean unrevokable, by any man or any goverment, God alone is the creator and giver of these Rights, and he alone that givith such; is the only one that can takith them back, limit, restrict, or regulate them in any manor.
Amoung these "Rights" are (3) specificly named rights, but by the exact wording of God thru our forefathers plainly state without any doubt, we have sufficiently more Rights. Our forefathers at and thru an act of God moving apon them put these (3) three specific "Root Rights" as the corner stone to all Rights, into the Constitution of our Republic.
Republic not Democracy. Their is a big difference. We have a republic, but to listen to goverment they say democracy all the time. It's word magic, double talk, double speak, or sometimes legalese which is "attorney/lawyer's" private "talk/speak" in their private privlidged language.
God says the following
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:
God means what he says, but government plays word games, double talk, changes definations to suite themselves at will and whim for self gain to benifit themselfs, not "We The People"
Words have specific meanings. Lawyers know this. Judges know this. Prosecutors know this, Politicians know this. You should know this. Here is a serious example used every day across America.
Man means created in Gods image as we all commonly know it to be in Gods word which is truth and stand for it's self; by it's self. It is the original law of God and connot be changed, converted, altered, are misunderstood. King James whom had the holy bible translated into english understood it, and our forefathers understood it.
**Man/or other animal means an animal by the pure food and drug law of 1906 to current, and that includes any so called drug, or medical device in statute law, codes, special acts, etc.
In fact Man or other animal has been fought in regulations, and in court, and the government lost, as a man, is a man, and is under God alone, not a government.
**Man could mean a corporation, fiction, enity or what ever the law says it means in statute law, codes, special acts, IR code of the IRS, etc. if it used such wording in any so called law.
**Quilified it truely cannot mean anything other than what God created. Gen 1:26-28
Research will show and prove to you that all Kings in England, France and so forth and so on were annointed upon a stone/rock in a church service and were have said to recieved divine rights of KINGS/SOVEREIGNS by God in church. He alone had devine right, and all else were subjects to him.
In America we have a declaration of independence, constitution, bill of rights that says we are each sovereign with no subjects. We each are a king, but no subjects. We have said and acknowledge that God made each man equal, and thus each man is his own king, but he has no subjects.
( Some ask about slavery. It came from England to the colonies before America was founded, and continued as an instutition after Americas founding. ( We do not condon anyone being bound in slavery to any one or any goverment and are appauled by it.) We do say the people of the 1776 time frame were mixed up as to how to correct the wrong in slavery, and they were not near as smart, forward thinking as todays times by a far reach.
One must consider the IQ, and the teachings of the King and the Kings minions to colonist/subjects and it took a time period of many years to move forward in clear free thinking mind sets. In other words the new Sovereigns had always been subjects to the King of England whom imported slaves to America and set up the institution of such and this new nation did not know any better as a whole.
Of course there were always enlightened men such as our founders, but they were few and far between. It took time, money, and resources to convience the new Sovereigns to free the slaves.
Some of our forefathers were for and some against the institution of slavery, and some just went along to get along, just like today. It was a slow pace that state by state slavery was outlawed, and in the end the remaining states fought amoung themselves over this horrible institution of slavery. It brought a "civil war/war between the states" and in many cases men on each side had killed their own kin folks in this war.
Some say the war was over slavery, but most educated historians and untamppered history books of old as well as new books now say in hind site into history after much research; it was truely over states rights to do as each state desired for it's own people. One of these things was slavery, but also there was taxes, courts, laws, banking, money, farms, lands, railroads, and much, much more to consider.
Many were fearful of a strong central goverment as they should have been. The federal goverment is so strong now it's hard to fight them as a state goverment and that was the point then and it's still the point now. ( State goverment is best and closest to each group of "We The People", and to their customs, traditions, religious beliefs, values, moralities, and so forth.
In the end, the supreme court said the constitution retro activitly ment exactly what it said, all men, with specificlly meaning black men were all created equal. No woman even a white woman was considered by law equal to a black man. It was law, it does not make law correct. All women were eventually counted as equal under the law, but not treated as such for many more years. One thing on paper, and another in reality just as today.
Now comes the Indians, whom had sovereign nation status by treaty agreement's. This question has been answered more than once by the supreme court in many ways to which seems like a case by case issue due to sovereign nation status, self governence, Indian law, and layers upon layers of statute law, treaty law, and a special department of indian affairs, within the department of interiour.
We contind that each indian man has to decide for himself which law to be under and make that declaration for himself.
If he claims to be an American under the constitution than he is created in Gods image, same as all other men. If he chooses and declares to be under indian law then he is what ever indian law says he is.
a short artical about Alfred Adask below, then back to the main page teachings.
Because you wanted to know about Alfred Adask and if he was for real and if what he said was correct.
We have recieved alot of information on Alfred Adask over the last (4) four months and have spent many hours researching him before alerting our breathern to him. We have verified what he says is correct. We have found no flaw in his facts, or in his theory. We support him in his labor to teach truth and knowledge..
Alfred Adask is our Brother in Jesus, and in freedom, as set out by our God fearing forefathers whom founded and settled our nation.
About Alfred Adask.
Alfred Adask has had alot of lawful paper work filed in the courts of Texas, and maybe elsewhere. He filed lawful/legal defence papers to the drug laws of Texas, as well as the Federal Drug laws and has to this point prevailed. link's below.
He was charged with manufacturing, and selling, an illegal drug: A controlled substance.
a home remedy used by many Americans since before the founding of our nation, and still in use to this day. It would take many pages to get you up to speed, so we encourage you to see his web site, and view his youtube videos, and let it sink in over a week or two.
He was being sued/charged with 9 million dollars in fines, and possible jail/prision time by the Texas AG's Office, DEA, and FDA at one point. He was being dogged by the Texas Attorney General. In fact the Fed's had commissioned state officials to assist them in violation of the law, and was further not disclosed as we understansd it. We hope to interview Mr. Adask at some point to go thru this information and be certain that we correctly understand it more deeply to be of help to our visitors.
also you can see Alfred on under Adask Law.
60 minutes did a piece on him.
He has been on The Alex Jones show, prision, and
He has also been on Coast to Coast AM.
He has been interviewd by many people of various standings, and organazations over the last several years to which we reviewed, and varified what he said was correct.
Big Pharma Companies dont like healing remedies, and cures as it puts them out of business.The FDA is their catch dog with big teeth, unless you know how to fix that issue which Alfred Adask has the answer too.
Adfred also knows about the original 13th admendment as ratified, but hidden, and all about the IRS and their fraud. He is a wealth of Knowledge.
Do you know BAR, as in the State Bar for attorney's means British Acradidation Regestry, and is an honor, nobility, and privlidge of the British Crown and is forbiden by the 13th admendment as ratified originaly, and later hiden, and finally unlafully changed/omitted. That is now a lie.
This has been verified by:
David Dodge, researcher, and former Baltimore police investigator Tom Dunn
they have written proof from (9) states of the 13 that they passed this admendment and it was ratified into the constitution.
no judge wants to hear about the original13th admendment as it is self destructive to him, as all judges are members of the private BAR, a title of nobility and they cannot hold any office.Further they are not a citizen of the United States of America under this nobility title. They call it hog wash, or trivial, or dumb it down, or refuse judicial notice, and all to self serving purposes. We believe some Attorneys are ignorant of this fact, as well as some judges.
Some judges are not willing to acknowledge it publicly, but when papers have been served to them in reguards to a false arrest by police, and a writ of captive in a jail as ratified by the 13th original admendment they have ordered the captive/prisioner be released immediately and charges to be dropped immediately as well. They seem to always issue a gag order, which is actualy null and void as a gag order is during a trail or court proceeding, and to no avail after such, and it would additionaly violate several other constitutional admendments that protect our God given rights.
If a man has life, liberty, and may pursue his happiness he has all fundamental rights so attached INCLUDING; but not limited to such. He may not be stopped by legal authorities without just cause as he is free man, his liberty shall not be infringed....unless he crosses a line up to and upon anothers mans toes, or to the curtledge of his personal private property including his land, with a complaint being filed.
The complaint must be filed upon an affidavit by an equally sovereign man, with standing; stating that the other man has violated his God given inalienable rights, as recorded in the holy bible and also recorded and gaureented in our republic's constitutional rights as inalienable rights bestowed upon us at each of our creations, and has been a victim of burgulary, theft, assaulted, or what ever it may be.
This cannot be in the name of the people, state, or common wealth. It ( affidavit ) must be filed by a free born ( Created in the image of God ) man; a sovereign. Man for such purposes fully includes any woman in such sovereign status.
Even when such occours, the complainant must be of legal age, of sound mind, and known to be truthfull, and have a claim of a loss and/or damage, to which the police may based upon the evidence make an investigation. The accused is to be presumed innocent of the charge and is not required to cooperate with the police in any way.
It shall be the job of the police, the prosecuter, and of a judge that possesses lawful jurisdiction over the "subject matter", as well as the "alleged wrong doer", as well as the "victim"; and to prove to a jury of the accused peers of equal "Sovereign" standing from his "alleged wrong doer's" community to decide his lawful guilt or innocence.
Legal jurisdiction does not have any authority over sovereigns, unless you waive your status freely, knowingly, with consent, with full disclosure, and not be under Coercion , threat, fear, fraud, trickery, sleight of hand.
legal jurisdiction and lawful jurisdiction are totally different venues, different rules, different meaning of words and pharases. Case in point a man in court in a legal system is deemed to be an animal, whereas a man in a lawful jurisdiction of common law with a true judge, prosecutor, and same jury is a man created in the image of God, and must be treated as such.
What so called court, police, attorney, prosecutor, or like wants to tell you that you are an animal......NONE.. they will say this is non sense, we are nuts, or we are politely misinformed. The truth stands for it's self, and the proof is in the pudding. We stand with the truth.
Our law from God and our constitution makes man free, totaly free, not mostly free...real and totaly free. The only way to take his freedom is by God and Man's law, to be proven guility beyond any reasonable doubt, and for said court to have jurisdiction over the man and the subject matter, and the location of the aleaged crime.
Jurisdiction is absolute. No Jurisdiction, no case. Don't be tricked into believing that you are within a given jurisdiction, make positive. Your life may depend upon it.
We are here to help you in any way we can. We are here to pray with, and for you in your needs. We are here to help you in the areas of marriage preparation, marriage counseling, family counseling, individual counseling, group counciling, teaching, preaching, and exhorting the word of God.
We perform the rites of marriage, baptize, minister funerals, carry out ordainations, anoint men into ministry, issue commisions, charters, certifications, and licensing of said men as well as churches, missions & groups that are called to be set aside by the order of God to go into the field and preach the good news/gospel of Jesus Christ, our Lord & Saviour. Additionaly we issue religious degrees within our authority and jurisdiction asThe Church.
No where in the word of God do we find any lawful papers being needed to serve God in any capisity whats so ever. We do so only as a help to you whom find it needful to carry out your ministry. It seems like many folks today want you to have a written document by some church that says you are you, and that this church stands behind you, which we will do to help you be better received.
We labor in the fulfilling of any other need(s) of people within the authority/jurisdiction of the church. We are a church laboring in all aspects of our calling in ministry, and we reserve all authority/jurisdiction at all times.
We are a "Church" laboring in an out reach to those in need everywhere. We are not a corporation, organization, clergy assn., or anything but a God created stand alone Church.
We of course need to know all we can, and be reasonably certain that any man/group making such request(s) of ordination, anointment, appointment, certifacation, commission, license, charter, or any of our degrees are solid/sound, and called of God before we proceed, except degrees where as we make an exam of such canditate to determin their eligilibity to be awarded a degree(s). We The Church make the final decession to whom is issued degrees and/or other documents, based on evidence/exam provided to us.
NO MONEY IS REQUIRED for any service, degree, or documentation!!!!!!!!
Any free will donation will be excepted on behalf of God for this ministry he created and used for the furtherance of such ministry.
( For more information contact us by e-mail, USPS, or call )
This page is extensive, but it's well worth it. We promise you, it will be an eye opening event for you. Many of you will come to understand things as never before, and start to put the pieces together.
God has made us a path to teach you the truth. His Word, what he expects of us, the nature of God & man, law, government, and so much more.This page explains a lot of things about us "Church", the constitution, the declaration of independence, our rights, tax, law, jurisdiction, claims, birthrights, venues, and the like.
We have several icons to the side that are dedicated to a single issue such as God, About us, Vision, A lesson on the God Head, Pastors Bio, and so forth. We are here to teach/educate you in our capacity as brothers in Christ, we are the: "Sovereign Church of Jesus"
aka "Church Teachers/Educators"
We are here by the order of God. He has instructed us, as well as you, to go into the highways, and the hedges to teach. He instructs us to show you his love & mercy. To lead you to him that you may be saved in his grace, death, resurrection, by you're repentance.
As you go through this web sites teaching/educational resourses, you may wonder if these things are true, well yes there are. Perhaps some of you will question if we are crazy/nuts.
You are not alone, we were uncertain of the truth ourself. I Pastor Daymond started my legal/lawful search starting in Febuary 1978 and most specifically in the arena of words and meanins, contracts and signatures in 2000.
I/We did not decide with all reasonable certainty that it was all true till January 2009. Still yet the deepest of research continues, so that we may gain an even deeper truth, and glean more knowledge.
(Bro. Daymond Jones, Pastor). I had to unlearn most of what I had been taught, and relearn it correctly, in law, and in Gods word. He lifted the vial and I saw the light. God said to me once I looked into the honey comb and saw and beheld the truth, their was no turning back, no right of ignorance, or blissful innocence.
I made my decession. I had to know all the truth, and I was overcome when I did. It was far more, and deeper than I could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams. I awoke anew and was new in God with full knowledge of our relationship with God, and our nation, and our laws that were Godly, but have been made perverse.
I had rightious anger as Jesus in the temple with the money changers. We have our own money changers in the temple right now. The Federal Reserve Banking System, IRS, Government, Politicians, and some in high posistions within many churches just as in Jesus days...I see you.
You should always remember; when people are uncertain about something, it is normal to criticize what they do not understand. We know that unless you are one of the rarest of people, or went to certain private schools, or are at least 75 years of age, or older this is a new found truth, and is a foreign knowledge to you.
We teach you the truth, as it was taught from the beginning of our Republic in 1776 till around 1913, and in a few areas till around the 1950's. Don't take our word for it, use our resources, use your own resources, talk to folks in the know zone that are old enough to remember before social security, and other government programs started, and how things were, and how they changed over the years.
We like to call it SOCIALIST SECURITY, which is what FDR thought of, or wanted to call it, but he really had to drop off the(ist ) of the word to make it SOCIAL SECURITY to be exceptable to the American public. He ( FDR ) also had to pack the Supreme Court to get it passed. He added extra Supreme Court Justices to swing it his way, as the majority said the Social Security program was UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
( Yes Unconstitutional )
FDR thought that he had special powers, authorities, and could by pass the constitution, and the supreme court by hook or crook. Even in hard times the president cannot by pass the constitution that says how he is to be elected, and it further gives him specific powers and no more, same as congress in relations to the 50 states united.
Any president that over rides the constitution is without authority, and has violated our inalienable rights as guaranteed by God and our nations constitution. It does not matter if we have done it this way for one day or a hundred years. Wrong is wrong.
Longevity does not convert a wrong into a right.
Even the so called courts have stated many times that a RIGHT cannot be converted into a privlidge.
Case in point a driver license is called a privlidge, but if you must have it such abridges, and encumbers your right of free travel by charging you a fee, fine, tax, or penility for such license that inhibits your free travel. GET IT NOW????????????
You canot convert a right into a privlidge, and charge a fee or tax upon it. That is pattently false, and unconstitutional
Back to our Sovereign Status
We are a "Church" by creation of God, by man's law, and separate from any government, government agency, government over site entity also by any rule or regulation what so ever, according to the law of God, our rights giver, as well as our Supreme Law of the Land: The organic Constitution of the United States of America.
We are"NOT" a non-profit organization in any way what so ever, and we are not a "religious organization", in anyway what so ever. We are a stand alone totally independent God Created Sovereign Church.
Always remember that words are the key to government control. Study and use your words correctly. Government cannot control anything it did not create, such as God, man, or anything was pryor to it's exsistance.
Do not be tricked into using (words such as: organization, church organization, or form/incorporate any type of non profit organization, or non profit church organization. Don't use any combination of these above words as well as others, in any manor what so ever.
If you do use these words you will in all likelihood get caught up in the Big Brother System, of the Federal Government. If you form/incorporate you are saying to the goverment "I/We" give you authority over us. Thus you do governments bidding, not Gods. You have changed masters. It is now Government may I, not God I will listen and obey.
Even recently, 2009 Congress was considering so called special laws that "appeared" to benefit Churches and Groups some examples are "Religious Organizations, Non Profit Organization, Order of the Clergy" and the like. One example is "Organizations" that are for general clergy & ministers.
This can & does apply broadly. So any group of people of the church, are wise to "Not" incorporate, nor use the word "Organization" or other similar words.
Church is the one word they (government) can't mess with, or gain control over, no matter what type of Church it is. "Church of us" per say, so it's a Church. An example of some words to avoid are Organization, group, association, aux. united, combination, fraternity, they are key words. They sound good, and are easy to understand, that's the trap.
The Government understands this (using certain words) and it's a tool they use to gain control. The government knows that many will fall into the trap of catch all words that sound warm, fuzzy, solid, strong, etc.
They don't have to get all of us, maybe 50% will do, in their math. In today's world in the USA we feel like there maybe 50% at the most that have strong religious beliefs to the point that they would defend the church if they knew the truth.
So all they really only need is a small percentage of true believers to fall to the way side, or act out, or fall short to gain control and victory.
We feel that if we serious beleivers, that are for real, will seriously pray, fast and do our part; God will do his and we win. If not they win. It's up to us to restore our country, so that we will return to Jesus as it was from our country's founding.
(See Wall Builders Page)
Back to key words
See once the church changes it's self to being called a religion, or religious group, you are starting down the slippery slop. When you are changed by acts of men such as incorporating, and even more so by word(s) being added, deleted, changed, modified, or when the government changes the meaning(s) of any given word; it can, does, and will give the government control. "CHURCH is CHURCH" don't forget that ever.
You must resist the urge to go with the flow, and use more popular terms. We call them the catch all sound good names. Things are not ever what they appear to be concerning the Government. I, Brother Daymond, have spent my life since age 15 studying the law.
I have always been taught the word "Shall" means mandatory. That is truly what it does mean. However I seen recently several times in the last few years that some courts are accepting the word to mean "May". There is a huge difference in may & mandatory.
I have told you this one thing as it makes a huge difference in the law. One word changes it all. Remember in the garden of Eden, the serpent changed one word. Look where we are today. The Government is slick, sneaky, and they try to play it off, or down.
The so called separation of church and state was to keep the government from controlling the church, and religion in any way what so ever. The founders made it clear that their is a God and he granted us our rights. The government can only control what it has authority/jurisdiction over. It (Government) has control over corporations, so they want the church and people to be treated as corporations so they will have control.
The Government must get you to give up your rights freely to gain lawful control over you, known as jurisdiction. They (the Government ) have been doing so, (gaining jurisdiction) by fraud for years on end. This has been going on for at least 80 to 149 years, and they calling it freely. It's just another lie of the Government
When in court, you will always hear if the court has jurisdiction over the matter at hand, and if they have jurisdiction over you as well. The court must have both jurisdictions to start a case at law.
UPDATE 03/13/2014 new research also shows jurisdiction is challangeble over location of alleged offence, location of arrest, method of arrest, over the alleged victim, and maybe more as well. Still researching more on this important topic.
**One jurisdiction is not enough.**
Court can not start/open till jurisdiction is decided. you will hear attorneys quickly say jurisdiction is stipulated, meaning they accept the jurisdiction.
Always remember your attorney's first duty is to the court as an officer of the court, and his second duty is to you. If his first duty was to you, he would not stipulate the jurisdiction over you, or the event at hand.
See "BAR" information as above as it has been learned that he attorney/lawyer also owes duty to the British Crown as a BAR member. "British Acradition Regestry" a title of nobility, same as Esquire. So you have last billing in his care as a ward if you will.
If they "The Court" have no jurisdiction in one, or both it can not open a case against you. The case must by law be dismissed for lack of authority/jurisdiction. The only way for you to be tried is by a common law court as a living breathing man or woman created in Gods image, as above mentioned. If you claim your soverneignity.
There is only one common law court in the USA and it's in Washington D.C. and then of course there is the Supreme Court, which is the only other court that can hear a common law case, or render an appealed case from the D.C. common law court. These are the two courts that can offer remedy that must be afforded to you a a creation of God in his image in common law, and under Gods word in the bible.
Tax information
These people are smart. They tell you a tax, or tax by another name such as fee, surcharge, or the like is temporary. I have no knowledge of any so called fee, surcharge, attachment fee, administrative fee, filing fee, which is plan speak "Tax" by another name, never, ever go away.
These taxes pay for the project as intended. Then there is almost always a small amount of remaining principal that will continue to grow interest. In addition the tax is still collected well after the project is completed. Such tax not only continues it is (slightly raised) ever so often so you don't notice it. All the remander of such illegal taxs are kept on different books along with interest and it goes into the pockets of bankers and politicians whom help bankers rape Americans comming and going. Legal ROBBERY if you will.
Once a tax starts,
by any name, such as fee, surcharge, administrative fee, filing fee,or the like,
The Tax "Never" stops.
Ad Valorem=Tax
Universal Utility Fee=Tax
Cell Phone Universal Fee=Tax
Cell Phone Administrative Fee=Tax
Cell Phone Misc. Fee=Tax
Home Phone Universal Fee=Tax
Cable/Satilite Fee=Tax
Payrol Deduction=Tax
Social Security=Tax (socialist security)
Road Tax=Tax
Fuel Tax=Tax
Water Fee=Tax
Driver License Fee=Tax
Vehicle Regestration Fee=Tax
Internet Sevrice Fee=Tax
Property Tax=Tax
Sales Tax=Tax
Liquor Tax=Tax
Cigar/Tabacco Tax=Tax
Marriage License Fee=Tax
Building Permit Fee=Tax
Zoning Fee=Tax
Rezoning Fee=Tax
Traffic Ticket Surcharge=Tax
Toll Road Fee=Tax
1000's of Fee's, surcharges, handling charges, process fee,special fee, misc. charge, franchise fee, and other fees/charges that are hidden or called another term/word meaning tax.
Cost of Everything=Tax
(Cost of Everything is "Embedded" in the price/cost)
Additionaly a Sales Tax is added to the price/cost to boot.
In essence the product has an "Embedded Tax" in the cost to produce it, passes along to the buyer, then an additional Tax has to be payed by the buyer.
We The People are getting Taxed on the so called "Money" we make more ways than one. We have to pay a Tax that is Embedded in products, and service, as such is passed along to us by the provider, then we pay a standard Tax as it were on the product or service.
We are actually in retrospect being doubled Taxed on a "portion" of the product or service.
We have already paid the Embedded Tax in the purchase price, and we are also paying Sales Tax on the whole price including the Embedded Tax. This is actualy a DOUBLE TAX
Here is a great example. You go to the store to buy tooth paste, well the manufactor of this product has to pay taxes on it's production, and they of course pass that along to us the people, and then the local Taxing Authority i.e. city, county, and state all have their Tax on the Sales of the item that includes the passed along EMBEDDED TAX, so we get hit two times.
The toothe paste you buy for say 2.00 dollars has an Embedded Tax of say .50 cents, yes 25% of the price and say the city, county, and states sales tax combined are 12% then the final price you pay at the point of saleis 2.24 cents.
If the producer was not able to pass along this Tax, then the price would be 1.50 cents, and with the same 12% Tax the final pricewould be1.68 which is a savings on the real/true price of .56 cents, and just think on car repairs, home repairs, and food cost and the like, it get's into thousands of dollars per family times all the millions of families across America.
We are not against the provider passing along the cost as it is absolutely necessary in one manor or the other, but we should be able to deduct it from our Taxes to Uncle Sam if we owe any, or a check back from Uncle Sam at years end on all these over paid taxes we should not have had to pay. ( We the People are tired of "Getting It" and being "Handled" in the Drive Thru window by our hit and run drunk driving goverment )
This is similar to taxation without representation, in it's mechanic. However it is what it is alone, a double tax. We take the position that a single tax, and a single representation is what we are to expect, so if we are to be double taxed, where is the double representation????
We the people have been hijacked, made slaves, and told it aint so. More lies, wake up people, we folks are in slumber, and/or denial. Either way we are being slowly cooked to death in the Goverments boiling pot. ( Remember in school in science class the boiling frog never jumpted out ogf the pot as the tempature rose and he was cooked alive)
However if the frog had of been put into a boiling pot of water to start with or the tempature had been turned up all at once he would have jumpted out immediately.
The man called Barack H. Oboma turned up the fire to the max. and folks are jumping out of the pot vs. being cooked alive slowly as we were before hand. We were being cooked alive slowly and we would have all died so to speak over the next 20 years more or less, as we were at the final stages of death.
Jesus allowed this thing with Oboma to occour along with his corrupt group to give us a fighting chance to be shaken and be awakened and turn to God and turn our country back to the Christian Nation we once were. We are doing our part here at The Church to bring you the knowledge/wisdom, what will you do for your self with this valuable information, and further more what will you do for your brothers and sisters.???????
Oboma aint my enemy, nor yours, but the flesh. He sold his flesh/soul out to the evil side. History is repeating it's self, and always will till we learn from past mistakes, and more closely examan our selfs as a people. Not white folks, black folks, brown folks, red folks, and so forth, but as a human race, the American Race.
Can we stop all this European American, African American, and Native American, Itilian American, Jewish American, as is splinters us into little small inner circles of people, and then it's us little fighting groups of people against the big solid Goverment by and thru it's police, military, courts, jails, and prisions, and establishment.
Why must we fight each other for all the pie, or who's got the bigest piece of pie. We are a nasty and selfish people. Maybe when we act as grown folks and share we will do better.
If we all wake up now immediately and band together as American Citizens, not splinter groups and remember we are The People and we are The Boss, and our servants have done wrong and we should punish them rightly and justly, and never stoop to their level of lies, being cowards, and we should always act as a moral, ethical, and principled people; we will be the greatest nation on earth once again with the blessings of Jesus.
Satan and the Goverment are in colussion. If you can't see that you are blinded by some method. The Goverment is an enity run by many men/women, and they have allowed Satan to take charge of their minds in exchange for power, money, control, it's all so simple.
Pray ask Jesus to open your eyes, and he will. Once your eyes are open you can never shut them and shut out the waking knowledge you will have obtained from Jesus having opened your eyes, lifting the vail.
We often times pay many hidden Taxes, some so called surcharges, Sin Taxes, VAT Tax (Value Added Tax/Hidden Tax) and the like are cost added to hide it as best as the government can from us, in it's many various forms.
Looks like the so called "Sin Tax" should go to God, since it would be he that we are Sinning against; unless the Government has deemed itself to be God????
Add up all these taxes, as well as many other taxes we did not name, and it's well over 50% to The "Goverment"
The Goverment says pay "Tax" by demand, or suffer the penality of pains of prision, and additional lose of money.
God only requires 10%, and only if it's "Freely" given, with a cheerful heart.
We take the position that the Goverment think's, and act's as if it is now God.
God will only take so much, and then his wrath shall be loosed upon this Goverment, and heads will roll.
God has held back because we have blessed Isreal so mightly in past times, but this "Obama Mafia Administration" is doing dastardly to, and by Isreal, so we are on barrowed time now.
You will never find a nation of people who killed babies that got by without God's judgement & wrath coming upon them
God has held his hand of judgement being made and layed upon us for a season, for the sake of Isreal. Stop helping & blessing Isreal and we are done as a nation/people.
Back to our sovereign status
We are further a Church and separate from any government by the United States Supreme Court decision's over the many years. Yet most especially by it's landmark case in the 1974 decision, regarding "Church/Clergy/Ordination/Religious entities, The U.S. Mail and Clergy, and the like".
The IRS own in-house IRC Code says the following
A"Church" is exempt from tax both if incorporated, or if not incorporated.
The IRS is connected by rule, regulation and law to the United States Government. The U S Government has absolutely no authority/jurisdiction, in any manner what so ever, in any regard, over a Church.
A Church is separate from the Government. The Government and it's agents such as but not limited to: (IRS*ATF*FBI*Secret Service*Treasury) are totally without authority/jurisdiction over a Church unless you incorporate.
A Government approved entity (church/Non-Profit Organization), with the blessings of the state, puts itself under the authority/jurisdiction of the Government.
Once you are under state authority/jurisdiction, you also come under federal authority/jurisdiction through a lexus/nexus legal connection, aka contract law, or it's cousins in law. Once wrapped up, in the spider web of lie's the spider will strike.
It doesn't matter if it is a church, or a civic club. The government can tell you what you can and can not do if you are incorporated. This is often times true even if you simply hold yourself out to be any type of (Organization) regardless of the type of organization. This is true many times even when not incorporated. The government just deems you to be "incorporated" for there own purposes of controlling you.
However if the Church is not an "approved entity" aka (Incorporated) under the Government then it is totally free to do as it will under it's own absolute authority/jurisdiction as a creation of God under his authority, and jurisdiction as it were.
Many people do not wish you to know this truth, as it weakens the Governments authority where Religion is concerned. The Government has desired, with much success, to trick people into believing many things that are not true over the years, with this understanding included.
Satan and the Government are clever, sneaky, devious, and use words, and slight of hand to trick you, and me. Remember the scriptures have told us time and again how much power the spoken word has, and how important it is to study, and to understand.
How much more truth do you need to see this trickery, fraud, deceit, dishonesty, lack of respect, no integrity of the Government which Satan is embedded in at all steps, and in all the cracks.
Ever heard that the "Devil" is in the details. Well it is true. The more details the more "Devil". Think of the Health Care Law that was passed. That's a lot of "Devil" in there.
If that so called Health Care Plan was so Honest, it would not be over 2,000 pages long, with all that "Devil" in it's details, and it would not have over 60% and some say 72% that are adamantly against it. Over 5.6 million people lost medical coverage due to this tax on all people in one form or another. This is a wealth redistribution scam.
Still yet we see that the "Government" did as they "Choose", get the picture. They cut you and I out again, as always. However they send us the bill, as always.
Learn the difference in a Republic which is what we are, and always have been since our founding.
And a Democracy which is what they (goverment) tries to tell you we are, another lie.
You should learn why they (goverment) do it. You should learn the difference in the forms of government of a Republic vs. Democracy. They aint the same CHICKEN folks.
A deeper understanding of what all this really means. Organization(s)
Here is an example of a incorporated church:
Also known as a ( Organization )
Also known as a ( Non Profit Organization )
Also known as a ( Church Organization )
Also known as a ( Religious Organization )
Also known as a ( Religious Non Profit Organization )
On Sunday morning the Preacher says to you, that he feels that you should vote for Mr. American Smith as he is a Christian, with strong Christian Values, and strong Christian Morals. He would be in deep trouble if his Church was Incorporated, because there are strict rules for Government created non-profit Organizations, Religious as well as non Religious Organizations. In case your wondering, Yes, It certainly includes a "Incorporated Church"
The Government treats your Church like any other assoc., or group, or what ever the title is such as, the Moose Lodge, the Elks Club, the Masonic Lodge, NRA, "NAMBLA" North American Man Boy Love Association,or any other non-profit organization, just the same as you; if you are a "incorporated Church".
In case your wondering NAMBLA is for real, they want boys & men to be able to have Sex (Homosexual Acts), without regard to age, mental status, or the like. They have remained unincorporated so far so that no records are kept, identities are unknown to Officials of the State, or anyone for that matter.
They have told their pedophile associates "NOT" to start local chapters so no one will know their identity and they can work underground. The thing you should know and take from this illustration is they ( NAMBLA ) would be treated as a non profit organization, the same as your Church if they incorporated.
We hope you see that a rank & sinful group of people, and a church are seen in the eyes of the Government as the same in every aspect. This is an extreme illustration of what a non profit status means in real terms.
Whereas being established as a "Sovereign Church - Not Incorporated", we are our own overseer and answer only to God and not to the government. No entity, group, association, fraternity, or the like can do this, except a Church. Why is because, it is not created by the Government, but by God and they have no authority/jurisdiction over anything they did not create, or lawfully gain control over freely. So they (Government) try extremely hard to get Churches to freely give up it's Sovereign Status and become incorporated as a non-profit, making Churches think/believe they are doing good, when the Government knows it's all one big lie.
God granted us our RIGHTS not the government.
The Goverment want you to think theydo give you your rights, and they try extremely hard to indoctrinate 'our minds' and those of 'our children' as well and have been doing so for between 50-100 years and counting. We teach our children every day the truth. We discuss what the Public School is teaching them, and when incorrect we make the truth be known to them.
On Judgment day we do not plan on having our children, nor any one else's blood on our hands. We are our brother's keeper, and definitely our children even more so, by order of God.
Do some study on all our President's with special studies on President's Woodrow Wilson, and ( FDR ) Franklin D. Roosevelt. You will see how in the early part of the last century they ( Wilson/Rosevelt ) did many things that were unconstitutional.
They are Progressives, they hate the constitution, say it's old, outdated, it is a living thing and has broad interpretations, always evolving.
This is a lie, the constitution was put in place to protect us "We The People". In order to get power and control over us they Progressives must change our way of thinking, re-write history, and get us to change bit by bit till they control all the pie. ( Pie=People )
The Government illegally usurped the people's power, and converted it to the executive branch of government. The more you study, the less power they have, and the more you have. So study hard, learn all you can and take back control over your life, and you're country.
The Barrack H. Obama Mafia Administration are doing the same thing all over again, and taking things to new heights. Connect the dots for your self.They know unless you educate your self and fight back they can "steam roll all of us". They desire to turn us into "little nothings" more than we are now in their eyes.
Donations & Authority
Any donations made to this ministry is tax deductible by law, and the IRS Code. To reiterate, Government has no authority where a Church is concerned unless the Churchgives up it's Sovereignty/ Authority.
The Government cannot tax anything it does not have "Authority"/"Jurisdiction" over. Government only has authority/jurisdiction over corporations, and the Income of corporations. A flesh and blood man has labor, which is his own personal private property, and when he exchanges it for something of value, it is not income. Government does not have authority/jurisdiction over a living breathing flesh & blood man/woman except at common law if you claim it.
Income is a profit a corporation makes, not a living and breathing man or woman, the Supreme Court made it well known and understood that a man's labor was his personal private property, and was not taxable, but be careful on the "wordplay" and don't get caught up in it.
Free Travel
We handle our own"private personal carriage/or horse, or donkey, or ox, or mule" about the land using a "common passage way", whereas most people drives a car, and it's on the road. These people are compelled by the government to have a driver license because it is a privilege to drive a car on the road. Whereas We The People have a right to operate/handle/control/manage our carriage, horse, donkey, ox, or the like any way we see fit, in our travels about the land upon a common pathway available to the "We The People" with out a permit, license, tag, registration, or any other other Government papers what so ever in any manor.
One cannot be compelled/required to have a driver license, tag, registration, or other Government papers to handle/operate/control/manage any way they see fit, their own carriage in their travels about the land. It is a "Constitutional Right" to travel freely without a permit, license, registration, or any additional Government papers of approval. Most of our carriages are outfitted with at least 315 horse power, or more.
It's all in the words, trust me. You better know the words, use them correctly, be polite, be respectful, and show your true integrity. Remember it's hard to gain control, remain in control, and be recognized as Sovereign in the jail house. It is far better to fight in the Government's Court, and be know and established as Sovereign, and have the case dismissed for lack of "Authority/Jurisdiction".
Just because you know the truth, don't mean the Policeman, Sheriff, City/County Clerk, friends, co-laborers, or a Judge knows the truth. Even if they know the truth, some of them have no way to work with you per say. The system is not set up for us "We The People". Their computers can not work unless you have a Social Security Number, and neither can the IRS' computers. All Government computers are set to deal ONLY with Corporations, not living breathing people.
Some years back we asked an IRS Agent if we, as a private person, could file a income tax return? He asked, "If we were citizens of the United States?"We said, "No, we are American Citizens." He answered, "No we could not." We said, "What if we were citizens of the United States?"He then asked, "Do you have a social security number?"We said,"No."The answer he gave was "no."
The Agent said two important things to us. One must be a citizen of the United States, not an American Citizen as they are treated as different classes of citizens, and second one must have a social security card to file, without a number you are forbidden from filing.
(You figure it out, we did). One must ask the correct question, and of a person who understands the question, and will tell you the truth. One final question we asked him was, "Can we spell our name as God intended us to spell it in upper and lower case letters, and he said we could, but it would be kicked out of the computer as it would see us as a person, not a corporate enity. So we again figured it out.
When you ask any Government, or Corporation to spell your name correctly in upper and lower case letters they will tell you they can not do it, and that is correct as the computers are set that way. All Corporations must use all caps in it's name, and so you to be recognized must also be seen as a corporation in all caps letters. The Government as well as all other Corporations can only deal with other Corporations. Not a living and breathing man or woman.
Some say it is because it's easier for you to read it, and such, but they are wrong, or lying. All Official Communications must put your name in all caps as it required to do so to engage you as a corporation, vs. a living breathing man or woman.
This is sometimes referred to as a Straw Man. It's real deep, but true. Some folks on the internet will tell you wild stories about the Straw Man, but be wise and careful as many will get you in jail or worse. Know the truth.
Study this out fully and over a period of time. Make sure you know the possible Government meaning of words and if they have been changed already, and any case law they may try to use, and any rights you have, and your political status, etc.
I, Brother Daymond, studied this out for8 years and counting, to get my mind wrapped around it. It was hard and easy for me. I say hard as I had to step away from my law teachings and examine all of them and research there true meanings, and that took some extreme doings for me.
I say easy in that, I had the basic nuts and bolts of legal understanding in general, so if something appeared to be right, or wrong I had atleast a basic understanding of what was being alleged in the teaching's, meaning's, and legal theories attached to them.
I, brother Daymond, believe that all law was established by God for mans good. God taught man the law of the 10 Commandments which covers about everything I can think of in all manor of life. We as a People "We The People" took God's Ten (10 )Commandments, together with man's other known & taught basic, logical, moral, and righteous teachings, that we received from Jesus, to make ourself "TheCommon Law". All Common Law originates from God.
Common Law is basically meant to be a commonly understood right, or wrong in our society. A common course for people to correct a wrong done from one to another, called a common law court. The State is a corporation and can't enter venue for a "Private Sovereign Living Breathing Person" but the state can for a person being treated as a corporation, as a tiny individual lexus-nexus inner connected corporation of the state corporation.
The Government has used codes, procedures, case law, regulations, and the like to the point that even the so called Government Officials disagree on meanings of words, and what the meaning of "IS" shall be. This was done on purpose to confuse all parties, gain unlawful control of the masses of "We The People"
( Please see more detail on Icon/Page Federal Reserve, Bankruptsy, and other important information, there is not enough room here for it, sorry.)
This was done in an attempt to make us "We The People" believe that we had to use the states approved entities called "Esquires/Lawyer/Attorney's At Law" to use the People's Court's and to understand all these complicated legalese's.
We really did have to use their Attorney's to understand the law's they had made for corporations, but not for "We The People" that was the trickery/fraud. It was a weird/ strange twist of things making us (believe/think) we were being treated as people, but we were really being treated as a corporation. The Corporation's are under Admiralty/Equity Law. If the Flag(s) in the United States Courtroomhas fringes on it, it is an unconstitutional Courtroom, which is under Admiralty/ Equity Law. If the Flag has no frigesyou are in a Constitutional Courtroom per the Ameriacan Constitution.
These (State Corporate Attorney's At Law) will automaticly submit us, "We The People"to their jurisdiction, as they must submit us to their (Government Court's Jurisdiction)in order for the "Government Courts"to have "Jurisdiction" in order to proceed with a "Case at Law" & for them (Attorney's) to represent us, in such Court's. """"
When you hire an Attorney At Law you are submitting your self as a Corporation, being represented by a Corporation, to be Judged by an Admiralty/Equity/Corporate Court. Not as a living breathing man or woman.
If You are; a "Sovereign We The People" you as an individual are entitled by Right of God, and The Organic Constitution of The United States of America to a Common Law Court of the People, to be set in Judgment of; by you're Peer's of Sovereign Status, as you're Jurors, and a Judge of Sovereign Status. You must also be accused by a fellow Sovereign, in good standing among his fellow Sovereign's in his community of inhabitantsof being wronged of a Common Law Right of loss, or injury such as, but limited to theft, battery, rape, adultry, false witness, or the like.
Attorney's can only represent a corporate enity in theGovernment's Courtnot a living breathing man or woman. Once you understand the Law of the Land, is for Corporations, not a living breathing man, or woman, it will start to make more sence for you. A living breathing man, or woman is entitled by Right to a Common Law Court if you Claim such as a living breathing man, or woman aka "Sovereign - We The People."
It's part of the overall scheme of things against us "We The People" However there is great hope for us. It has always been the law of man from the beginning that if anyone, any man, or Government took from you any commonly known thing by fraud, trickery, or lie by any means you have not forfeited such and still retain, all that was.
In other words even by their sick, twisted system they are required to relent from us We The People, when we demand a right that was usurped from us as a individual, or group of inhabitants with in their so called Jurisdiction.Government knows that every Judge knows that law goes back to the beginning, and the oldest law's stand on their face, and hold full measure of weight.
This simply means that a line of session of man from the time man was created by God, and further from thence forward from that time by birthright man to son, to son, to son on down to now has full faith, credit, claim, and total Right's bestowed upon each by God if any person who shall lay's claim to such as a "Sovereign-We The People", by The Right of God, and "The Organic Constitution of The United States of America"
So if you can show in our case that you are part of the line back to this countries founding you have a birthright claim as the prosperity of the founders, and enjoy total freedom as they did.
If you can claim to be a direct line relative (with proof) of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence you're claim is cemented.
If you can show to be a relative of any kind you have strong standing claimas a blood relatives, even far removed, as you still share the same blood and thereby the same rights. You are still their prosperity, simply meaning you are their decendants by one way or another.
If you can lay claim to a land owner in the original 13 colonies at the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty in 1789 you have a solid cemented claim.
The Sovereign of Sovereign's on planet Earth the King of England at the Paris Peace Treaty granted, and recognized every land owning man in the 13 original colonies as a Sovereign Man, equal to him.
Each man was his own King, he had no subjects, he was only his own absolute King. The land he stood on, and owned was his Kingdom.
Thus the old saying is true, a Man isThe King in his Own Castle. It was further said that not even the King of England himself would dare to Cross the Thresh Hold of any man's Home/Castle. He (The king) knew he would then be subject hisself to that man's authority/jurisdictionin his "That Man's"Castle. The King could not allow himself to be a subject of another Man, so he never crossed any man's "Thresh Hold" to his Home/Castle".
It (This Knowledge) is come by after8 years and counting of relentless study of the Holy Bible KJV, the Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, old newspapers, old books, old contracts, study of old English Law, The Magna Carta, Study of our Common Law at our founding, Roman Law, Law of Mosses, Court Papers and Case Law from The Supreme Court of the USA from day one on July 04, 1776 to current, with special study from the start in 1776 till 1936.
Back to our sovereign status
We are truly separate and equal with and to the United States Government, as an established "Church". We are our own absolute authority/jurisdiction within our own realm, just as the United States Governmenth as absolute authority in it's own realm.
If we were incorporated we would have to seek Government approval on many controversial things, such as, to speak out against homosexuality in preaching the Gospel as commanded by Jesus Christ. We could not preach, without their approval, about the sin of fornication, adultery or other "Certain Government Pet Sins" that God absolutely forbids.
Corporations are a Government stamp of approval, and a Church shouldn't have to seek Government approval to preach the Word of God. Nor should they be told what can and cannot be said about Elections, Politicians, Political status, tell the unfettered truth, and the like. Sometimes the Truth is hurtful, but it is always absolutely necessary.
Corporations are a Governments business tool and tool of control. When you're a Corporation you answer to the Government. Whereas we, as a Sovereign entity, answer to Jesus, not to man, and we are totally, 100%, within the law of God and the law of the land.
Our forefathers were extremely smart to make laws with the understanding that our rights come from God alone and only He can remove such, not a man, state, or any government.
The Church is God's not the governments.
In fact our United States Supreme Court said in the 1790's, as we recall, that the United States Government is a legal entity/Corporation. This being so, it makes us, "We The People", under contract with each of the respective several states, and in turn they "TheSeveral Independent States contracted, and came under a contract with The unifying Corporation known as "The United States of America" which actually makes us the top boss of all.
Each Colony/State was Independent/Sovereign,with each inhabitant being Independent/Sovereign. The Colony/State operated at the will and pleasure of the Independent Sovereign Inhabitants, and each individual Colony/State acting on behalf of and at the direction of it's Individual Sovereign Inhabitants created a "Unified Association Corporate Entity" Called The United States of America. This Created Entity relied on each member State to maintain it's authority/jurisdiction to exist and operate for the bennift of it's members, and to further to aid and assist the member's that they could bring further benefits to their members.
"We The People" are at the top of the pyramid, then the next level down comes the individual States, then the next lower level comes the USA, then comes the lowest entities of the USA such as the authorized sub entities of the FBI, DEA, ATF, and all the other such agencies of the corp. USA that are to carry out the Official Business of the Corporate USA for the bennift of it's member States, whom in turn carry out it's business for it's boss, us "We The People" whom they get their limited structured power to operate, and exist.
The U.S. Government has gone to great pains to try to make you think they are boss, but the truth is we, the original boss, still exists. We gave a tiny bit of our individual authority to create and form anentity called a State and agree tolive by fair, logical and reasonable laws aka Common Law. In turn then, each of the several States gave an even smaller portion of their little bit of authority to acreated and form anenity thatcall's itself the United States.
This was done to attend to the needs of our several states general welfare, which was andis to protect us from forces within and without our country. To protect us from harm which is provided by the military, (National/State/Individual Citizens ), and to see that the several states are fair to each other in trade across state lines.
Additionally making common laws that are fair, understood, and equal across state lines. To make laws of safety. In taking this as an overall totalty of a broad base of common understandingthat's it.
The Government of the U.S.A. has been in breach of contract with the several states, and in turn the several states with us "We The People" in excess of over 70 years aswe see it and understand it.
We The People, owe it to God, and ourselves to take our country back, literally. The law stands for us to do so. We are dragging our feet but slowly waking up and taking back that which is ours and was given to us by God. God is tired of being thrown out of school, work, social gatherings, made and taught to be untrue, or mean, or a villain or some such nonsense.
God is tired of Baby Killings. It truly isn't a woman's right to decide if she kills God's baby inside her or outside of her, with or with out a butcher doctor. Only God has the right of life and death. Thus "Pro-Choice" is a lie from Hell.
God is tired of false religions, idols, and witchcraft in it's many forms. God is winding this state up we call Life. I don't think he's gonna be long in doing it. We don't know the day or hour, no man knows except God. When it's Time, He will call it.
Great News:
On June 25th 2010 Brother Don, as we call him, joined this Outreach Ministry. I, Brother Daymond, have known Minister Donald G. Dewrell since about 1991, so we are soon tohave known each other for 20 years.
Brother Don has a daily devotion he will be glade to add you to if you ask him by e.mail.
Some of Brother Don's page examples.
Mark 8:36-38
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of Me and of My Words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels".
II Timothy 2:15
"Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth."
A devotion as well, and general information.
We no longer use pay pal. Please see below for more information. We are so sorry for this inconvenience. However there will always be many ways for you to donate if that is the desire of your heart.
More important than money is your prayers.
It's not about the money, it's about doing what is right, and helping in what ever way you can. Some say it takes money to run a Church, and that's true. However if enough people, or a few serious prayer warriors pray for this ministry God himself will cause money to come.
Prayer is the most powerful thing you have to offer anyone, or any church. Please pray for us above all else. We say to all thank you, and God Bless you, and yours.
At this time, we can accept checks, money orders, cashier checks, cash.
Anything you feel led to give the Church.
If you want to make a financial donation it can be mailed, and made payable to:
Sovereign Church of Jesus 28844 USHwy 84 Opp, Alabama 36467
Please e-mail us in advance if you wish to donate any gift other than money, such as bibles, study bibles, clothes, food, etc.
We need to know about these type of donations in advance.
We need as much advance notice as possible so we may make arrangements to recieve the gift(s).
We as a Sovereign Church are Exempt from any Taxes as we are outside of any govermental enity Taxing Authorities JURISDICTION by law, more especialy by The Organic Constitution of the United States of America, and in addition by the IRS'S own in house IRC.
We as a "Church", are not required to become a 501 (c) 3 non profit corporation to be reconized as Exempt from Taxes, or to recieve donations of any kind, and to issue a charitable donation.
This is one of the goverments oldest tricks used to control ministers, church'es, and the like.
Remember if you incorporate, you get the goverments stamp of approval ( Ceaser ) and as such it can be taken away, or you can be fined, or go to jail if you violate it's special laws which include no type of certain politicing, or preaching against certain types of so called life styles without jeperdising the charges of a *Hate Crime*
Where as we can preach it as Jesus says to preach it, and we can not be charged in any way or form, as a *Hate Crime* as we are Sovereign, and under our own authority.
We are totaly seperate from the rule of law from any goverment.
We are the maker and overseer of the goverment, not the other way arund. Get it now ??
The goverment has to be forced to tell you these things as it looses power over the masses of us "We The People". The goverment plays word games with you, and I each and every day. They like to keep us fighting amoung our selves.
They know if we stop bickering amoung our selves, stop the devides, come together as one in total unity, they are done in, and out of power, control, and become a common person, and that scares them to the bone.
So we say pray for peace here at home, unity, purity, to be as one people, stop seeing color, race, nationality, handicap, and so forth.
We are closer than ever to the worthy commandment of God's to love our neighbor as our self.
We were extremely close, till this president said and did, and allowed so many things to take place. He interjected himself to create a wide devide again in this country.
This man is supremely smart and is calculating in all things political, and surrounds himself with extreme radicals.
He knows what he is doing that creates divide, and he does it to keep control and power.
He is no manager, leader, or visionary. However he has the presumed power to control the most powerful goverment in the world. He uses this power, and control to steamroll his personal ideas, thoughts, and way of life upon us.
He uses these powers to change our type of goverment without our approval, and he continualy violates the constitution.
Contact us regarding Ministerial Credentials.
We would love you to become a Ordained, Commissioned, and Licensed Minister of the Gospel.
All Ordinations, Commissions, and Licenses are issued, recorded, and filed at:
Sovereign Church of Jesus
Contact us regarding Religious Degrees.
We have a full range of degrees available.
All degrees are issued, recorded, and filed at:
Sovereign Church of Jesus
All degrees are religious in nature and as such are not accredited, by a regional accreditation board of any goverment.
Such accredidation would require government involvement & endorcement. This type of intervention is absolutely forbidden by the U.S. Constitution.
If the goverment in any way indorsed, approved, licenced, condoned, or any way gave us any type of accrediation; then the State would be making an endorcement of our religion.
This would be a legal establishment of a certain religion/religious education by the goverment.
So we must self accredit, or otherwise attest to our own religious education by law.
This is the only legal way in which we may do so, due to our absolute seperation of authority. We are our own government within our own realm.
We must self accredit our selves, just as the goverment must self accredit. We are in the same boat as it were.
We cannot accredit government school(s) and they cannot accredit ours. Both enities are totally lawful/legal each respectfuly,and recognized. Each to and by thier own constitutions, and singilar laws, rules, regulations, & policies governing thier operation(s).
Each to set the mode and structure of officers, duties, responsibilities, accountabilities, and the like. We have done our best to explain things in the easiest way possible.
However an extra effort is being made to more fully explain. We know that some have been endoctrinated in, and by the government's so called public schools.
For thoes folks we provide a more indepth explination in a simple parable. If you go to school in Canada the U.S. Government can't accredit you're school, and vice versa.
one must have the proper authority to accredit anything in any given area. We are separate all the way. We are our own government.
Our goverment is most understood by the general public at large & is simular to that of The Native American Indian Reservation Authority. The big difference in Native American Indian Reservation Authority, and us are we have absolute Sovereignty. Where as the Indians made various treaties making them the wards as a whole; of the U.S. Government.
They have duties, and responsibilities to each other by treaty. The said treaties are inturpited by the Congress, buracrats, Department of Interiour, The President, and finaly the Supreme Court.
So in essence poor Native American Indians as a govermental authority only have what most scholars would refer to as a limited type of semi-sovereign authority.
This said and stated semi-sovereignty goes only to; and as far as the U.S. Government allows it to go on any given day.
Our sovereignty is 100% in every way, all the time, in all matters under our relm. We have enjoyed these inalieinable Rights bestowed upon us by God himself since the day he created man.
We have enjoyed these Rights unders man's law since the founding of our country in 1776 by our supreme law. This includesthe organic declaration of independence, the organic united states of America's constitution,and the organic bill of rights.
That great labor of man by the hand of God, we call the Constitution of the united states of America.
We are our brother's keeper. We are here to serve. Let us know your needs.
This web presence we now have here is under on going construction and we will be adding more and more over time.
Please check back regulary with us on this web site, and spread the word to all we are here and standing by to help.
More help
Now comes Brother Senior Elder Dr. Rev. Lt. Gen Texas defense force Warren K. Nelson.
He is a defender of Jesus church, and the sovereign Texas state republic.
He has his own page/icon on the side and he will continue to update us here as well as all of you as to news, events, thoughts, and ideas. We are glade to see Jesus church grow daily, and for his Kingdom not of this earth expand hour by hour.
Thank you Brother Warren
Questions/Comments and Requests
If you have questions we are here and will do our best to answer all of them in a timely manor.
We are always open to ideas in spreading the gospel of Jesus.
We want to hear your thoughts.
Preaching, Teaching, Exhorting, Evangelism and religious duties and rites of the church are available to all in need.
If you would like Brother Daymond, or Brother Don to counsel with you, or other wise speak with you, or perhaps to perform you're marriage rites, or for any other reason not covered please contact Brother Daymond, or Brother Don.
Please write, or e-mail us. We will do our best to get to you in a timely manor.
We will do all that we can to assist you in your need.
We are a small number of people and with a web presence we may get backed up with many phone calls or e-mails, letters, and the like.
Please be patient with us as we expand and move forward in this good vision Jesus has given unto our pastor.
To my wife Kathy who holds everything together, we love you and you are a blessing to all of us.
Kathy is the sweetest, most giving person I know. I don't say that just because she's my wife but because it's true.
Kathy does not know an 8 hour work day, she knows 12-20 hour work days.
Kathy works with children and families in need, helps our family, helps at a local church we attend in town, helps her family, and just flat out gives of herself.
If we ever have an award for the most caring and selfless person who cares about people to the extreme, she will be the first one awarded.
God Bless you, Kathy.
Sovereign Church of Jesus, Sovereign Church of Jesus University, and are all copy righted under common law copy right: all rights reserved without prejudice under The Organic United States of America Constitutation All rights reserved.
Sovereign Church of Jesus
Worldwide Ministry
Uunted States of America