This Church is a perpetual continuation of the Office & Order of the Presiding High Priest/King after Melchizedek and His Successor, The Sovereign Church of Jesus
"We were and we are"
We have been broadcasting through Brother Daymonds channel on youtube as a ministry helps, and as Free Press Reporting the state of affairs here and around the world.
Our news channell is called Daymond Chief Jones
we focus on accountability of our goveremnt servants and Ministry. We do other special news topics.
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God bless you all In Jesus name and under his blood.
Sovereign Church of Jesus
Worldwide Ministry
Uunted States of America
The true founding of our REPUBLIC called the United States of America
NEVER forget that each, and every state is totally sovereign in every way, they choose from day to day to remain a member of a Union, Association, Federation, or by any number of names meaning a group. This group is called "The United States of America"
"United" being the key word. The meaning of the word "United" was to be for a common good of the people for as long as the common good shall prevail, and to cease when it fails to deliver or if it shall ever work against the people, whom are the true sovereigns. We Sovereign's are the true boss, we are the trustees over this land, and we hired people to run our group, goverment, association that we call the United States of America.
We are the ones whom employe servants, we call congressmen, supreme court justices, and a president etc., we hired then to see to our needs as a group of sovereign individual(s), and sovereign states.
Remember, if our servants think they are better than us, live better than us, and try to tell us what to do, we can, we should, and we will fire them; as we would any bad servant in our own home or business.
Remember the goverment is a corporation, and when it run's on greasey tracks, and becomes an out of control train it is refered to as a run away train, and such trains will normaly jump the tracks, and become a total train wreck, which it what happened to our nation starting in the early 1900's, and was sped up by the depression.
This depression was refered to as the great depression. This was because with goverment intervention it lasted 10 years longer than nessary.
It's became faster when FDR became president, with his new deal, which was not legal by any means. This deal was a crooked deal and should have been called the OLD CROOKED DEAL which had been crooked and would continue to be crooked, with even more outlandish schemes, and wicked terms.
We jet on down to modern terms, and times, and a broken an illegit goverment called a "de facto goverment"
We find that our founding fathers would be totaly amazed, confussed, and bewildered by all the lies, and crazy things going on.
An example of some crazy things going on are called social justice, which really mean social unjustice.
The Oboma people are trying to tell us about social justice and call it a christian teaching of Jesus where as we are collectively saved ( Salvation ) as a whole.
Then we must all give up what is ours to people who refuse to do for them self's.
It is called a ( Redistrubution of Wealth ) Where the goverment steals from one, and gives it to another through the armed force of law as a tax in various forms, or be in prisioned, or shot dead.
Which is a lie from Barack H. Oboma; and Satan in Hell.
We are saved by faith, and acceptence of Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and repenting our sins, in a private individual bases.
Jesus teaches us as individuals, and as a Church to render charity, to the needy; not the goverment.
Jesus also teaches if a man don't work he don't eat. Now we know he means an able bodyed man, not a crippled man.
We also know he means if the man can work any at all to work what he can just as well.
Oboma's you are meddling in the affairs of Jesus, and Jesus is a gentleman, but he can be brought to wrath if pressed, or if you continue to unjustly press us his people, and lie to us daily.
You are putting us in chains, and making all of us working people pay all kinds of taxes to support you, and your harem in your upper elite lifestyle.
Mr.Oboma-You act as the King of Egypt of long ago.
We feel like they ( founding fathers )would be freaked out totaly in every manor, as the republic, as it was, has been illeagly usurped into a ruler system, called a democratic form of goverment.
We are certain they would demand to know by what right this unconstitutional form of goverment was established.
We also wanted to know this. So we took a 5 year study and found the following.
( We now know the answers to this )
They are trickery, fraud, false information, greed, power, etc.
Back to modern times in the U.S.A.
Barack Oboma whom is called president, by some.
We doubt this is true and correct, based on testimoney provided by his grandmother.
This conpailing testamoney along with our requirements of Office for the President based upon our organic Constitution.
We took an excessly long period of time before we came to this final decession.
This was as a result of indepth research, which included, but not limited to the testamoney of his grandmother.
His grandmother is an inhabatant, or resident of Kenya, Africa.
She stating to the press that her grandson Barack H. Oboma was born in Kenya, Africa, and further she was a witness to his birth.
We also know his mother renounced her U.S.A citizenship, and his father was an African Citizen.
This is factual public known in so it's impossible for him to meet the requirements & qulifications as prescribed in the U.S.A. organic constitution.
However; we are a tolerant people and as such we are forced to deal with this man called Barack.
We have to do this since our employees do not have the guts, political muster, and drive to say he is not eligable to hold office.
Barack should be removed from office.
Until we take our country back we are apparently stuck with this inposter, illegitement, fake, fantisy, "want to be president" by defacto in our opinion.
We feel like Barack has committed treason repeatedly.
We feel he should be removed from office, tried and if convicted in accordance with the law be in prisioned for his crimes.
We know that this in unlikely to occour.
That is unless the next president, and then only if a real President makes it their business to have this man tried for crimes he committed in office.
Any way it appears he is here and nobody is able at this time to successfuly challange him legaly.
We know that factualy ( many have tried ) but due to the courts being loaded in his favor, it has not occoured.
We see that said courts making a judgement(s) with all of them saying the same basic thing's that the affiant, or "Complaintant(s) do not have standing"
That simply means that more or less the matter does not effect them directly, or only in a minor, or indirect way.
The so called courts were loaded to Barack's favor over the years.
Our defacto officials are scared of the people bringing an uprising, so they fail to act accordingly.
We think the defacto officials should be worried about a possible uprising of "We The People" if Barack continues to stays in office.
We The People "Boss" are tolerant folks, but we can be pushed to far one day.
If pushed to far one day an uprising could come about, under our constitutional authority.
We The People have these unalienable birth rights given to us by God, and we further have man's supreme law of the land known as the Organic Constitution of the United States of America.
Our inalienable birth rights given to us by God allows us to form or re-form our goverment at any time we so desire to do so.
Some say it the duty of the people to retake our country.
We have rights, and we have duties, responsibilities, and accountabilities to God first, and then to man and his goverment by our permission.
We believe we should take back our country, by electing honest servants, and telling them how it is.
We should make them understand we will no longer tolerate wrong doing, criminal, civil, or other wise.
He the can do no wrong "Barack H. Oboma" has carefuly changed definations of words.
He uses fuzzy math, that only he understands.
The numbers don't add up to any normal person.
He uses certain words, and pharases to make you think one thing, but then he does another.
He makes a careful use of his words. He may be technechily correct in what he states.
However it's still know what he ment to do; trick us, and do thoes things, he alleged he would, or would not do.
I would say that is a breach of promise for a thing of value.
He "Barack" has broken his contract with us "We The People" he told us many things, that lead us as a nation to believe if he was elected he would. or would not do.
Barack promised certain things in order to intice us to get our vote.
(Some call it a bribe of the American people)
(Make a promise in order to get something of value, and give something of value in return)
It is public knowledge that the man Barack is a know lier. This is documented as public fact.
His Barack's moral compass is broken, and he has no backbone.
Barack was a member of various groups, organizations, and so forth, and so on.
However he was never an executive of anything.
He was without any management experience.
Barack with no executive management experience took the most powerful executive job on planet earth.
He worked as a member of teams, groups, alliences, and congress, but not the Manager of any of them.
He still works, and does his politics as he did then, as a group.
He is the speaker for the group, but not the Manager. Barack, Gibbs, Palosia, Reid, Van Jones, Val, and whom ever else have a huddle and he emerges and explains what they decided to do.
The man can not work without a telepromter, he goes sideways if it fails in any way.
The man tells upon himself anytime the teleprompter fails. When he has to describe the facts, issues, and dialog without a specific plan he sinks.
The man is skilled in words that trick, make you believe he means right when he really means left.
I Bro. Daymond personaly think of him as a poor excuse of a magician, or illusionist as it were.
Barack don't even look Presidental in any way, and he hangs out with and is friendly directly or indirectly with our sworn enemeies.
Barack's list of friends, and associates would bar him from about any State, or Federal Appointment known of at this time.
He could not be a Police Officer, Secret Service Agent, FBI Agent, Military Personal with any Clearence Lever above dirt.
He could not work in any intelligence Unit due to his known ties to criminal types, peopel of ill repute, marxist/communist and socialist leanings, and teachings.
He is, or was associated with so many known criminals, ( folks just call him the spin-golly of criminals in a suite )
He has a list of associates/pals/friends/ that would make Jimmy Hoffa look like a Micky Mouse Criminal.
The list is endless.
Some folks have their head in the clouds, and are lost where this man is concerned.
Be extremely careful when you hear the words "Historical" used by he, and company, which is code word for big trouble comming our way.
Some examples he has said historicaly black colleges, which is true, but he will not say historicaly white colleges, or historicly red colleges, he could not come away with the same reaction(s)
He said historicly he would be the first black man to hold office as President, which is a lie, he is only half black.
He lived the good life, over all. He lived as a white man when convient and to his advantage, and as a black man when convient and to his advantage.
Additionaly he mainly associated with and was raised by whites most of his life, when you get right down to it.
We feel he has little to do with blacks except when it benifits him.
This man still mainly associates with whites, unless there is a photo oppertunity, or other bennifit to him, the man is narsistick.
This man is clever at using white guilt that some whites have to his advantage, and he toutes himself as black, but only uses blacks if they bennifit him.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with any man or woman of any race, nationality, creed, tribe, religion, handicap, being elected to any office, but be truthful and clarify who you are, what you believe, and what you stand for.
Don't be a race baiter, or certain people hater.
Be who you are, and say who you are, and we the people will, or will not elect you based on the truth, not a lie.
This man called Oboma should be watched closely, and respected, but never feared.
He has turned our country up side down himself along with his personal company of Nancy Palosia, and Harry Reid.
There is no longer a check and balance in goverment, the only thing slowing things down is the supreme court, and it is only slowing it down, not stopping a crazy congress and president as it were.
The change he has brought, along with "company" the pupets of the house, and senate have devastated our economey to the extreme.
We still have a fighting chance with the upcomming elections. We can save, and take back our country.
So let's clean house and hire new servants, and get things back in line and correct and stop the perversion.
Let's put God where he belongs in our homes, church's, schools, social events, and in the public arena like in times past.
I Brother Daymond say; We all should pray for the President's safty, no matter if we believe him to be the legit president, or defacto president. His safty is paramont.
I further say, I can only imagine if anything were to happen to this man.
We as a people/nation would be further divided by many issues, and things would asserbate to the brink of riots, and chose, and possibly to a point of no return to life as we have come to know it in our nation.
Again I say pray for this man, as God can and will cause this man to do right, or cause him to step aside, or shine the "Light of Truth" upon him, or as the Lord see's fit and proper in his way.
We will say one personal note: I have no personal dislike for the man, We have nothing against his multi-racial idenity, nor nationality, or his practice of his religion.
Our personal difference is political, and other wise.
We would prefer he would resign office, and move on with his life, and leave us alone, so we can get to our "own" clean up asap.
We'll bring the mop, and a bucket, and cleaning tools.
We guess you know these are amoung our most scarad Rights.
To protest, to say what we feel, to practice our religion, to publish what we will (free press)
To be political, or not political, as we are a sovereign enity. We can preach the truth with no holds barred in any manor.
We believe in peace, love, and prayer. We do not believe in violence in any manor unless for self defense of our own self, or to protect an innocent person from harm, in accordence with the law.
We teach what we believe, and if you believe in violence you can not be associated with this Church in any manor.
Back to modern times and on to our schools.
When we say school, as talked about below, we mean our public schools that are run with public monies.
we dont want any one to jump to conclusions when we say what we think we should do in our public schools.
we don't think we should make or attempt to make any student, or faculty member or staff member do anything they do not believe in.
However it is nessary to let the other 98% of us do what comes natural and give thanks to God for all things.
Let the other 2% talk about what they will, and do what they will while we give thanks, and you will see America change for the better and crime go down.
We believe school shooting go down, marriages will be saved, families having two parents again, and so forth.
We will find that we will stop this crazy nonsense teaching that Homosexuality is normal, acceptable and should be enbraced, and that these people should be allowed to marry.
Marriage is God's institution, not man's, and God makes the rules.
God said a man and a woman shall marry, and be fruitful.
God says Homosexuality is a sin and a stinch in His nostroles. We don't know how to be more clear than that.
God teaches us to love the sinner and hate the sin and we do.
So we love the Homosexuals and hate their sin.
We will embrace them and teach them the truth of Jesus' Love and forgiveness.
Show them how to ask Jesus be forgive them, reformed, and return to a life of normality as God made each person to be.
If the person refuses to repent and ask forgiveness and turn from their wicked ways we will have to separate ourselves from them.
We will pray for them.
This we do according to his Word in hopes of such people later on in life repenting that we may be able to be joined again again as christians.
At some point God will give some of these people over to a reprobate mind, and they will be forever lost.
This by their choice and desire. Our prayers will be that somehow they will be affected by His Truth and turn from their wicked way's before it is too late.
We love all people and will be helpful to all.
This is not a jump on Homosexuals teaching but on their sin.
We say the same concerning fornicators, adulters, thieves, liers, rapist, murderers, thugs, and thoes that wag there tongues without restraint.
This goes for people that give their selves to drunkeness, illegal drugs and so forth and so on.
All of these are sins and God wants each of us to tend to our own yard clearly; before we go to help our neighbor(s).
Our eyes must be clear so we can help, least we cause more trouble than we help.
I would rather take time, and patience, to be a help for any person concerning their sin, and hopefully and prayerfully they will be saved.
It is better to pray than to critizise what I, or you don't understand.
If we take time, love, and pray with, and for these sinners instead of spreading the truth or lies what ever the case may be on such people.
I Brother Daymond believe personaly we will do much better for ourselves, and our brethren to pray and leave it to God.
Remember we all sin in some manor each day of our life, me included.
I Brother Daymond preach to me as I preach to you, and sometimes I step on my own toes the hardest.
You can take comfort in knowing that, I in no way, think I am better than anyone in this whole world of God's.
I am not less by any means, we are all the same.
What's the difference in me and those I pray for. I would say not much except in some cases there are a few minor differences.
I know I am saved, and they may be as well, I do right as best as I know, and some of them do right as well.
I do my best to not return to my mistakes, and some of then do as well, and of course some do not.
So the differences can be small, or big.
I try not to sin, and when I fail I truely ask God to forgive me immediately, I don't wait till when it's convient, I do it then and many people do not.
I try hard not to do the same sin again, many do, and as they please and don't ask for forgiveness.
when they do ask they continure to sin as though they have a licence to do so.
So the difference in I and some are as follows.
I mean it when I ask, and I ask often, and I try not to do that sin again. I learn from my mistakes (Sin's).
We all sin it's only a matter if we repent and flee from our wicked ways into the arms of Jesus or we do not.
I do all that I can to cast no stone at any man, for I am, or have been that man myself in life at some point in my life.
I Brother Daymond believe I do well to cast the stone upon myself as to cast it upon another.
In other words to inventory of myself/yourself, look at the man in the mirrow and see if the refliction is "you or Jesus"???.
If it's you're reflection run like Hell, as Hell is upon you.
If you see Jesus; others will see Jesus and you have done well.
Our founding fathers did believe in God in general in each his own way.
The only thing any one and all of them said in private, public, and document it was that the State can not make any specific religion, nor interfear with one.
It never forbid religion or belief in God, or that the founding of our nation was upon God.
Our common law was based on the scriptures and morality of God in such things as the ten commandants.
In fact they went to extremes to make sure that We the people the Sovereigns had and agreed on absolute freedom of religion in any and all forms.
We only agreed that the goverment can't pick one certain belief/denomination over the other.
This however was under no circumstances was saying anything to diswayed us from a total belief in God.
Our nation was founded on God, and several people from the Supreme Court, Congress, and presidents, Govenors, and others have said publicly many times we are a christian nation, and was founded on being a christian nation, untill 50-100 years ago.
Just using your common sense you will see that when anything is new the key players and partisapants have the best understand of the rules.
The player(s) founders than knew the real truth, and told it straight. Some in 100 or 200 years down the road begain to tell ties mixed with truth, and finaly total lies to the people.
Some people have gone as far as to remove, and destroy the truth in books, litature, documents, and change definations from then to now to confuse you and trick you into believing a lie.
Still others have rewritten history in the way they want you to believe it. They lie in these new books, some more lies than others.
Still others have scrubbed the internet of many of these references, especialy where the man called Barack H. Oboma is concerned, as they know if the real truth comes out and is documented there will be a heavy price to pay.
So I am certain that the players & framers of our sacrad constitution while living and the immediate generations behind them remembered the truth and touht it, but over time the lies came into being, and now here we are.
Our founders & key players Some of which were Methodist, Pentacostal, Holiness, Babptist, Church of God denominations or such called by other names at that time or what we often refer to as non denominational.
All or most, believed in The God of the King James version of The Bible.
If it were not so and true all the goverment documents would not say in the year of our Lord with a year following the phrase such as 1776.
Our money would not say In God We Trust.
Our forefathers would not continualy make strong references and some extremely specific saying the name of JESUS in public and private writtings.
Go look at the federals papers, the diaries, and memwares of these men whom founded and settled this land.
There will be more added in this page/icon in the near future so come back often, and learn.
Lies of our goverment
Our current goverment, and our recent past goverment of the last 50-100 years have slowly removed God from public life, and even made it unpopular in private life as much as possile.
Why would they do such an evil thing to us their boss, and employer, whom has been so giving and generious to them.
It's the power, and lust of power, control, greed, and they fill the vacume of God; by becomming God to us whom allow it to be so.
To us that fight the good fight they make it hard on us.
They teach our children lies and lies after lies. One lie leads to another and another and so forth and so on.
They teach evolution, instead of creation, and say it's factual, and that's a lie.
Factualy many leading scientests have said the DNA of fish to a crawling, walking mamal, to an ape is totaly inconsistant with factual DNA.
It has been factualy shown that certain genes and DNA can not evolve, split, change, or become the human DNA in any manor.
So the eveloution lie has been exposed which they fight tooth and toe nail as it really leaves nothing but the truth that Jesus is alive and well and the Supreme Sovereign and made all things seen and unseen including us human.
They fight the truth constantly as they are well aware that the more people trust in God they do not need goverment and they loose power and they will kill to keep power.
In days gone by people never had a so called marriage license, as it was seen as goverments blessing, not God's
You will find in all old bibles till the early 1900's or some later that it was only recorded that the groom and bride was married on a certain date and that may be the only entry in reference to the marriage.
Some were more detailed stating the location, full date, whom did the rites of marriage, and who witnessed it, and so forth.
You will find no such a thing as a marriage license anywhere to our knowledge till 1900 or later more or less.
The goverment had an intrest in people getting married to expand the country, and have several children so that we could have a strong economy by having healthy children.
As sick people and children would be a drain on the economey.
So our servants told us you must get a marriage license so we can check you for certain diseses.
This was so they could refuse you the license, so that there would be no more sick children produced from marriage.
They could also control people of various color or nationality from getting married.
They would be able to conpile alot of information on the population as far as names, addresses, phone numbers, and other misc. information.
Best of all it creates revenue, there scarad cow, so they can line there pockets one way or another from our money.
Some people still to this day record there marriage in there bible and that's it, and most courts to our knowledge hold it as valid.
Why do courts accept this method of record.??
The thought is people will not lie, and write it in God's scarad word, the Holy Bible unless it were true.
We see that marriage is God's instution and it really don't require anything but what God requires.
Man has always been meddeling in God's affairs, and trying to make money off of God and his people.
The money changers were in the temple, and Jesus chased them out with a whip.
It's been going on for over 2,000 years we know of in one manor or another.
has and always will meddle in our business, and tax us, fee us, handle us, and do as they will with us as long as we allow it to happen to us.
We must be right with God, and pray for knowledge, and wisdom that we know what to do, and when to do it.
We sometimes do the right thing, but out of time, and thus it will not work.
We must be right, and the right time as well for God's blessing.
Our modern schools
In today's modern schools our children are taught that we are a democratic form of goverement, with is false. Read the Declaration of Independence, and our other founding documents and you will see time and time again it says Republic.
Some say why can't our children recite the pledge of aliegence in school, well amoung it saying "God" it also says "Republic" so the children might actualy figure out we have God and a Republic and God gave us unrevokable rights called amoung men "Inalienable Rights".
The goverment followed socialist, communist, marixist, guidelines to start early with the children and teach then what you want then to believe and you can and will change a nation, and part of that is disinformation, misinformation, that we evolved and the goverment is God in every way, and the goverment is Almighty.
God said to us in Revelation that in the end times there would be great pervision, and men would be lovers of men more than God, and that being blount that we would be upside down, family member against family member, and men with men and wemen with wemen ( Homosexuality ) the people would loose the natural use of each other God made then for from the begaining in the Garden od Eden with Adam and Eve.
We are definately in the end times for sure, how far along we are is unknown to any man, but for the first time in history we have almost all aspects of Revalation in the present and we are seemingly close to someone wising up to show himself as God which is false and then time starts to wrap up quickly from there.
It's the last of things to happen before Jesus comes back to get us. "A Catching up" that many people wrongly call the (Rapture) you will not find the word rapture in the bible, and the meaning is not consistant with a catching up or catching away.
Read the words for your self, seek the defination(s) and see for your self, don't just take my word for it, don't take any one's word for it. Study to show your self approved before Jesus, and open your eyes and stop hiding from the truth, and the truth shall make you free, not set you free, and there is a difference in the words (Make) and (Set) one inplies allow, and the other make certain it is absolute, see the difference.
Jesus, and all the well known profits, and Strong Men of God in the bible consistantly tell us the words we use, or fail to use, have great consequnces, to know what we say and the meanings of the words and that the spoken words have power, and meanings in themselfs.
Remember Satan, The Devil only changed one word to decieve Eve, and thus Adam indirectly, and we lost God's perfect plan for us in The Garden of Eden. Know the words you use, and the meanings, and the words others use and there meanings, that's how the goverments controls the people with words and codes that only they know and have the ability to change at will, how ever if you engage in proper knowledge, study, and diligent prayer to Jesus you will become wise to all of this and so much more and Jesus will arm you will the full aurmor of God to do warfare with the enemy which is Satan, and he moving upon men and men's minds.
The warefare is in the mind's, and hearts of men, this fight is for your eternal soul, so be diligent, be prepared, be wise, take time and do it right before God and Man.
Sovereign Church of Jesus, Sovereign Church of Jesus University, and are all copy righted under common law copy right: all rights reserved without prejudice under The Organic United States of America Constitutation All rights reserved.
Sovereign Church of Jesus
Worldwide Ministry
Uunted States of America