This Church is a perpetual continuation of the Office & Order of the Presiding High Priest/King after Melchizedek and His Successor, The Sovereign Church of Jesus
"We were and we are"
We have been broadcasting through Brother Daymonds channel on youtube as a ministry helps, and as Free Press Reporting the state of affairs here and around the world.
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God bless you all In Jesus name and under his blood.
Sovereign Church of Jesus
Worldwide Ministry
Uunted States of America
Read the column to the right first, as it will make more sense to you. We mixed then up, by mistake; sorry.
We should have the left on the right and the right on the left.
You can read it any way you want, but it would make better sense the other way around.
I will not mix words and not play games in my pledge, promise, and contract with all Americans and upon my sacred honor to “We the People”, and this great nation.
( Write a open latter to the people and make a Presidental Order of the same; stating we are no longer in war time, and fully reinstate congress.
To further make certain we return back to a true national de jure nation as we were in 1861 in every aspect, with full states rights, and coin gold and silver again.
This in no way means any return in indentured servants nor slavery.)
I would abolish the IRS day one as an unconstitutional entity.
Make, or help to cause a low percentage constitutional amendment of 15% tax on all profits by corporations, not our nations Citizens.
I would abolish ties with the Federal Reserve Banking System, ( A privately owned bank, that has nothing to do with the government despite the word “Federal” it is a trick, as an unconstitutional entity.
The so called national debt is wiped clean, and the Federal Reserve Banking System must pay back to the “We the People’s” treasury department all the unconstitutional monies stolen from us
“We the People”).
By way of all the fraud, trickery, scams, ect.
All the money must be paid back in Gold and Silver and must be done within 24 months maximum, with 25% to be made payable in 30 days.
We would go back to the Silver and/or gold standard once again where we would all have the ability/chance/oppertunity to become wealthy, but not at all guaranteed, just a fair chance to do so.
I would order the Treasury of the United States of America to collect all federal reserve notes, and issue a silver certificate in its place. This to be issued by the united states of America's treasury, not the Federal Reserve's treasury that makes it's self out to be such in fraud.
This done with the understanding that it will take some time to put into place the silver and ask the American people to bear with me for one, two or three years while supplies are replenished and in place in real banks that fall under sovereign state charters, within an agreed national system with limited regulations for the safety of this wealth.
I would issue Presidential orders, not so called executive orders to undue any and all unconstitutional orders previously issued as soon as practical, but no longer than one year from date of inauguration.
I would use Judge Napolitano, and/or another well known constitutional expert with judicial expertise, or a group of such men and women to assist me in making a decision as to which ones are constitutional and which are not.
I would use Jural societies as well in this task from several state republics.
I would by Presidential order make the CIA turn its ears outward, not inward as it was before the 911 terrorist attack. This also includes the NSA. No mass date collection on Americans.
They must have a lawful warrant that is supported with probably cause before issue, and not allow any blanket letters, or warrants to carry out operations. I would also cause all current collected mass data to be destroyed within 30 days of taking office.
Issue a Presidential order to not enforce the Patriot Act, and have it abolished as soon as possible as an unconstitutional act upon the people, and has violated their inalienable rights given them by God their creator, and guaranteed in the governments contract with “We the People” in the constitution.
Do all in my power to reestablish title III Constitutional Courts as mandated in the Constitution across the nation, and to fully recognize States Sovereignty, and their freedom, and do away with strings to States in order to barrow from the national government, or to gain the national governments help in times of crisis, or general need.
Issue Presidential orders to stop Airport fondling of our Citizens, and putting them through the unconstitutional searches, unless probable cause exists to do so, and then in a proper manner one Citizen at a time.
We would instead use the Israeli system of questions and answers using the answers to go further if P.C. were discovered in such to make the Citizens travel by air flight of our nation safe, but without subjecting 100% of Americans to unlawful, unconstitutional, and fully unreasonable searches of their person just to travel.
Americans have the right of free travel without molestation or uncumberment in any way. That includes road blocks police use across the country that subject 100% of the American Citizens traveling along that portion of common pathway without probable cause.
This done on the possibility that one, or two or 10 people will be found to be in some violation of some law. It is unlawful to stop Citizens traveling without probable cause and that’s the law and has been since this country was founded.
This type of unconstitutional violations by any police officer upon any Citizen in this nation will be prosecuted in Federal Court by the Justice Department, under a Presidential order, as it is the Presidents job to protect the people. Police cannot subject all men and women to any sort of so called “inspection- DUI check point- Driver License check” without probable cause as the law requires.
It does not matter if 100 men or woman came by that way who were violating some law or infraction, as the majority of men and women passing by are not violating any law of the land but all of then are subjugated to a violation of their privacy, made to talk to police against their will, and if protest is made then often times the police arrest that Citizen on false charges.
In other words say 500 people by way of foot, car, horse, bicycle, carriage, or other means pass by and are stopped by police at their unconstitutional road block and say 10 people are ticketed, and/or arrested for DUI, Marijuana, unpaid tickets, broken tail light, and tinted windows, then that means 490 American Citizens whom broke no law, gave the police no probobal cause to stop, detain, or question them, fully violating their God given Inalienable rights to free travel, privacy, to be left alone, to be able to exercise their right to remain silent.
Where is the justice for the people who did no wrong? The police should be placed in jail for constitutional violations aka civil rights as well as inalienable rights of the people.
Too many lower state courts, state supreme courts, and U.S. supreme court cases say a driver license is not needed to travel by what ever means you choose, or that a driver license does not even exist in law to start with.
It exists only in a statute, rule, or code that falls under the constitution, and any law that is in violation of a constitutional right is void, without force, unlawful.
School districts will decide for themselves what is best for them, and the national government must stay out of their business, except to set minimum goals as a national standard.
This includes abolishment of the Federal Department of Education, by Presidential order. There is no such thing as a school free gun zone, as it violates the 2nd amendment, but laws that forbid minor possession will still be in force.
The Abolishment of the ATF will also be done by Presidential order, and any limited constitutional duties that remain will become the responsibility of the FBI, and all agents of the ATF will transfer to the FBI who desire to do so under a transmission course.
I will do all in my power to push for a constitutional amendment that make it an absolute that any office holder in this nation cannot get any special deals such as healthcare, discounts and special privileges that all Citizens cannot get as well.
This includes lifetime pensions, lifetime healthcare unless there is 20 years of service or more that is similar to the private sector for current and former members of congress, as the new amendment “below” would only allow for 2 terms so the most a member could serve would be 08-12 years.
Help to make an amendment that limits all office holders to two terms in office. Time in office gains power, influence and corruption, that’s how we got were we are now.
In that amendment it would also spell out no former office holder could become a lobbyist for four years after leaving office, or otherwise use his previous office position to make personal gain.
Presidential order day one to open any and all oil reserves, coal mines, gas exploration, solar, wind, Cell energy, fusion energy, and any area of energy that makes America self reliant again.
Presidential order day one abolish the EPA as an unconstitutional entity, and let the states take care of their own environments as they are sovereign, and the national government will only be involved as it should in disputes between states over various issues as a referee of sorts.
Presidential order day one to look into any and all agencies, department, contractors, and such that are unnecessary, unlawful, or unconstitutional and abolish them immediately. To be done within one year of inauguration.
If we are at war I will say we are, and I will get the lawful congressional authority to declare war, and we go to war, we will be in it to win it, not play games, and we will take care of our veterans who come home injured, sick, or need help, no excuses.
Presidential order day one, leave the net/internet alone as it’s a constitutional right to speak, communicate, educate, and be left alone from intrusion, and no email collections, or reviews of any type without a Citizen by Citizen warrant based on solid Probable Cause.
Presidential order day one, no phone company, VoIP service, computer service, cell service will intercept, collect, keep, hold, review any records of any American Citizen without a specific warrant on a one on one bases.
Presidential order day one, FCC will be limited in scope, and will deregulate all of its interference in Americans privacy, be transparent, open, fair, and open opportunity to all Americans.
It will still keep order in over the air communications so as not to let chaos erupt, and will license TV, Satellite, and radio, but allow Citizens to own low watts private stations that can cover a five (5) mile radius day time, and 15 miles at night as long as slots are left.
They will be able to advertise goods and services as they choose.
Presidential order day one, so called entitlements will be changed in name, type and style to State Assistance Programs, wherein the national government will send the money to the 50 individual sovereign states as a big block grant based on size/population and/or loan it to the various states in time of need. In turn the states can give or loan to its citizens as it sees fit in its own sovereignty.
The National government will acknowledge by me the President that the United States has no Citizens, of its own except those that live in “Washington City/Washington D.C.”, on military reservations, American territories, enclaves, or property owned, or operated by the National government.
Only States have Citizens, just as the constitution clearly states, and as case law has settled. As long as a man or woman dwelled within this geographic locations as above they would be considered Citizens of the United States, vs. all other men and women would be a Citizen of a Sovereign State, and an American Citizen as in geographically speaking, but hold no lawful duty to the American government, but only to their Sovereign State.
Presidential order day one return the majority of lands so called held in the American trust such as national forest, national parks, and national plains back over to the several states wherein they reside. Abolish the BLM. Allow for some limited lands under a fair land usage joint agreement between each state and the national government may exists that serves that state and the nation. This does include all non use military bases, buildings, and lands. This does not affect any current military base in operation in the nation’s defense.
Presidential order day one finish building the fence on the southern border, reinforce any fence that is torn down or in disrepair, use the state guard as needed to back up the border patrol, and pay each state for its guardsmen used to defend the border.
Presidential order day one any mandate to any state, or all states must be paid for 100% by Congress or it will be deemed void. No unfunded mandates.
Presidential order day one, I will stop this war on drugs, as it’s an unconstitutional war, and it has cost America Billions and Billions of dollars, and the problem is worse than it was in the 1970’s. It has done nothing except expand the national government, the DEA, prisons, and all its apparitions, and has violated Americans Constitutional inalienable rights. States will decide for themselves if they want any drug laws, and if so what. The national government will assist any sovereign state in the area of drug control if requested for a limited amount of time such as 6 months to a year.
Presidential order day one, acknowledge the original 13th amendment, as well as the 2nd 13 amendment. Acknowledge Common Law is the Supreme Law of the land, and statute law, rules, regulations, or penal codes, codes are not valid if they violate, or suppress a constructional right.
Presidential order day one Pardon all National prisoners held on drug charges/convictions, that have no violent past, or other crimes now, or in the past.
The order will go into effect day one but it will take myself and a staff approximately 24 months to complete, review, and recheck so no one slips through the cracks.
We would use a simple application of one page for the prisoner to fill out, and if he or she passes their name will be added to the Full and Unconditional Presidential Pardon, and I will also issue a blanket Presidential Pardon for all previous national drug prisoners under the same circumstances as above.
Presidential order day one, a serious review of all national prisoners whom have no real business in prison, or excessive sentences. The same simple form will be used by prisoners who apply.
This form as all others will ask specific questions and any false statement disqualifies the applicant immediately.
I am reasonably certain that this will release up to 30% of the federal prison system, so we can save tons of real money, and get these people back to work, and if they reoffend they go back.
With no more drug war we will save billions upon billions as well, and we will forevermore be out of people’s private lives and their habits
Presidential order day one, I will seriously uphold the constitution of every American Citizen-Sovereign State Citizen, and never play games with “We the People” my boss. I will be a true servant of the people. I will instruct all staff at the White House, and in every national agency to use caution when dealing with the American Citizen and be sure each one’s rights are seen too. Now this in no way means any Citizen can abuse a servant be that servant a city clerk, a custodian, a plumber, a policeman, a teacher, street sweeper, or whomever.
Presidential order day one a notice to the world, we will not tolerate any people, nation, religion, or group threatening America, or Americans in any way what so ever, We will attack you where ever you go, and you cannot hide, this means within and without. I will protect the people from harm to the best of my ability and authority.
Presidential order day one religious freedoms will be safeguarded by allowing any American to worship, pray, or the like anytime, and anywhere they have a right to be without any government inner faience at all. However any man, or woman, or group who do in the name of a religion, or self religion, or no religion gets no free pass if they violate other Americans rights, such as threaten to strike any American Citizen, cause terror, death, injury, etc. They will be charged with the correct crime against another.
Warrants will be issued by citizens through the title three courts, or through state, and local courts. The national government, and state, and local government must refrain from arrests and warrants being issued by and in the name of a government entity.
In other words the STATE OF NEW YORK VS. SLIM JENKINS is no good.
If Slim Jenkins was accused of battering Joe Doe, then Joe Doe must swear, or affirm a warrant out to a title III court and based upon PC the Judge will issue a warrant to the sheriff, or police officer, or bailiff entitled Joe Doe vs. Slim Jenkins for the act of Battery, as sworn or affirmed to and before a lawful judge in good standing in this state, or nation, and this court orders the sheriff to arrest and hold same till arraignment.
A crime must occur to a man or woman and they must file the warrant, not a government bureaucrat, or police officer.
Presidential order day one, all unlawful men and women in this country will be deported as fast as possible, and if a hearing, or other lawful matter is involved they will be fast tracked to expedite the process. If such man or woman commits for a second (2) time the criminal act of international criminal trespassing, and convicted on the fast track as well they will do hard time and be glad to leave America once they are released and I am certain they will never return.
Presidential order day one state militias will be encouraged, and SDF lawful State Defense Forces will be encouraged and will be looked upon as a strong back bone to the Armed Services and will stand ready to assist if need be and should we be attacked from within or without.
In the block monies in the formerly called entitlement program that will be sent back to the states to do with as they chooses and deem necessary, it will be encouraged that each sovereign state in an act of its own sovereignty put a serious portion into its state budget to fund the SDF, as a safety net in case of disaster manmade or otherwise, and in case of an attack from within or without at all times, and as a national back up.
I would ask each state to keep a 5,000 man standing army, and in smaller states at least a 2,000 man standing army. I would also recommend large where houses of food, medical supplies, water, fuel, vehicles etc, so as to quickly respond to in house needs in state, and not be dependent on the national government except in the most serious needs on a limited bases as we the national government would have sent the bulk of all monies back to the states where it is most needed, and used locally, not as the national government dictates. States would also decide about college loans, welfare, food stamps, families in need, charity, roads, bridges, etc.
The states would weld the majority of power as envisioned, and the national government would play referee and make certain the national as a whole was running in a good, safe, and proper manner, and labor on treaties that promote trade, grow the national economy, over see the stock exchange, and other national concerned like military, ect.
I would say 70% back to the states and 10% in Washington as for rainy day fund-emergency, and 20% stays in Washington to pay for military, museums, park services, Federal Prisons, and the like.
Washington would sale off all surplus immediately, and downsize/right size as well as streamlined prisons, military operations, do away with all vet hospitals and pay insurance to a fund for all vets to go to a local hospital like everyone else.
We would all really be free again, have real wealth, Gold/Silver/Land/Livestock just as God planned for us over 200 years ago. You don’t labor you don’t eat, with understanding that the churches and insurance companies would see to the sick, and injured, and families take in their own just as it was in 1783.
Insurance companies in case one is insured, churches as in charity with a bread line/soup lines if needed, and the individual states for any of its State Citizens who fall through the cracks and need assistance with food, medical, shelter etc. The states would also continue to have a state sales tax if they choose to, but since the federal government is sending back 70% the states may do away with the sales tax, or lower it to 5% and cities or counties might make a 1% each so as the max tax in any state might be 7% and it make the tax fair and local. Only corporations would pay tax and at a flat rate on profit of 15%.
Thank you
Mr. Free Thinker
By an American, created in Texas by God Almighty, and in his image was I created; Gen 1:26-28
I am using as much as possible lawful and just terms, words in correct manor, with some legal words so as not to confuse the uninformed American Citizens.
Notice the term legal you here most often is not what it appears to be, whereas lawful is.
In other words true law is, de jure and called lawful, the default, and/or substitute, counterfeit is a false law named de facto and called legal.
Look it up in a blacks law dictionary especially the 6th edition as it is the most accurate and trusted of all volumes.
You may also look it up in American Jurisprudence 2nd edition, also the most trusted edition of all volumes.
I am not the de facto President of the United States, or the de jure President of the united states of America.
I am not running for this, de facto office, or this proper de jure office of “We the People”.
However if I were elected by this nations de facto voters, or proper electors by a write in vote by a majority I would serve “We the People” of this nation of my birth/creation.
What I would do, and what any man or woman should do in writing, in order for you to vote/elect them into this powerful office of the de facto government, or the de jure and true government as set out by our forefathers of, “We the People”.
On the other side of this page is my list of changes.
Here’s my 31 item list of positive actions, and we’re back to the Founders World., in modern times, with modern technology, and all men are truly created equal by God, and fully protected by God/Man’s law, the Holy Bible, and is backed up and guaranteed by our ordained, and true Organic constitution of the united states of America.
Yes ordained, the constitution is ordained, same as a minister of God's
Study the bible, and American History. Wise up. We once had Church at the United States Capitol every Sunday for many years, that does not sound like seperation of church and state.
This took place when it was called Washington City. Watch the words and meanings, and dont be trapped.
There is a type of seperation of Church and State. Not what you been taught. The Church is in governments business, but not the other way around. The Church makes certain the governent is moral, ethical, that men hold and keep their oaths of office, members the Church often set on grand juries, and held office as sheriff and county judges. Churches called for wrong doers to be impeached from office for lack of required morals, or other violations of office.
Churches often had their own militias to protect their own small cities, towns, villiages, communities from invassion, terrorist, from within and without, and violators of Gods 10 commandments upon which all American law was established upon, and rightly called common law. "The Peoples law" Often times the Judge was a preacher, deacon, or clergymen, and the sheriff was as well.
Sovereign Church of Jesus, Sovereign Church of Jesus University, and are all copy righted under common law copy right: all rights reserved without prejudice under The Organic United States of America Constitutation All rights reserved.
Sovereign Church of Jesus
Worldwide Ministry
Uunted States of America