If you have a news item you think we will like and is note worthy send it to us for consideration. Thank you and God Bless you brothers, and sisters.
We support Donald Trump at this time to be the President of the United States of America.
We do so as he has spoken that he want's to finish the wall between Mexico/Central America and us. It protects our Sovereignty as a Godly Nation.
We are entitled to be safe, and not have to pay the bills for anchor babies, and their families. Their doctors bills, housing, food stamps, schools, social security and all the associated cost.
He stands for strong treaties.
He stands for a strong economy.
He is honest, what a change from the Obama man child, who is a liar in fact. Proven over and over.
We can say all we want to freely and nothing can be done to any one of us, as it's free speech, freedom of religion, and we are not incorporated as a non profit like 98% of Church's are these days.
The U.S. GOV. INK. goverment can come down on any church who says and does anything we do here because they are a part of the state under the corporate fiction lexusnexus.
They "The Church' ask's government for permission to do anything they do in reality.
The government leaves them alone in general, till it comes to homosexual issues, government issues, or they dont like it, then they unleash the IRS, and the criminal justice agencies with threats of charges and arrests....
That does not apply here to us, because we are without the United States, non corporate, and are real substance, not a non fiction.
We are here under God, and Gods laws, his flag if you will.
We are in a seperate jurisdiction, different venue, and under a seperate subject matter. We are God's alone, and he is the great Judge. his law is real and final. his judgement is now, and eternal
Men like us, scare the goverment as they cannot control us any way. We are free to say and do as we will; so long as we do not bring , or cause harm to another free man, and cause him damage.
Then it's between that man, and the harmed man to decide what to do to make that man whole again. Only if a contriversy exsists does it go to law, not color of law, not policy of law, or corporate law, but to real law of God's.
07-03-12 CURRENT
Oboma Care passed as constitutional as a TAX, and was declared unconstitional under the commerce clause. ( We agree that at best it's a tax ) and is REALLY totaly unconstitutional. Big Goverment/Big Brother stomping on folks rights again and again.
We must pray for Godly Men to return us to the nation of our founding fathers, before we become full slaves to this system of unGodlyness.
as of 01-14-12
We have recalled/revoked/ any and all certifications, commissions, appointments, and classifacations afforded to Pastor George Okelle and his church due to scams he has been running by and through his church.
On November 09, 2011 we ordained, certified, and commisioned, Brother George Okello as an over seas minister of the gospel, outreach missionary.
We also ordained, commissioned, and certified his church, Sovereign Hope Ministry as an associate church of our church here.
We have been working with several people in counciling them in many different areas of needs from sickness, injury, alcoholics, drug dependency, family struggles and other area.
One year ago
We were able to help one man with several issues going on in his life including many bills, work issues, life issues, and such.
He was in great need of a money miracle, and God moved and the ministry got the donation we needed to assist him.
God's on time, all the time.
The man we were blessed to assist is doing much better now.
Three years ago
I was offered the oppertunity to assist in the funeral of my father in law recently.
It was a great blessing to me to assist in the Ministering of his funeral.
I was able along with two other men of God to Minister to many people, a captive audience as it were, and there were pleased to hear the word of God, and to know how my father in law had come to the Lord.
You see he was a strong, and determend man. He only knew his own strength, and his own might.
Over the years slowly, real slow the Lord kept hanging around waiting on him to ask him into his heart, and be baptised and rised a new man.
Well he was getting into old age, but God was merceyful to him, and allowed him to keep his mind sharp that he could chose his own path even in old age.
Well it happened he accepted the Lord as his Savior, and was baptised and rose a new man.
I had the honor and privilege to spend the last 16 months of his life with him on a regular basis. During this time we talked alot about of things with a great deal of time spent on the subject of "Forgiving" and being "Forgiven".
We also talked alot about "Heaven" and God's mercy.
We also talked about King David, and The Apostel Paul and how they lived hard, rough, and sinful lives, and that Paul had been out killing Christians but he became an Apostel by an act of God's mercey, and blessing.
We had these talks because for sometime he was concerned that Jesus might leave him behind as he had been a bad man in his life up until old age, but I assured him God's mercy is great, and significant.
After much talk over many months he decided he was right with Jesus, and he finaly got some real peace in his old age.
I conveyed this at his funeral to the people as some did not know of his life in later years, and this testimoney was moving to the people, and caused some to say....well if he can change I can to, or their is hope for my loved one.
Sometimes God able to do more in a persons death than in there life, as a great testimony to others, and it helps to increase the peoples faith.
Some where moved in his life, but more in his death. Death is part of life, we just pass over to be with Jesus for eternity, nothing more, provided he is your savior.
I have told the whole world of this man ( my father in laws testimony ) and I am certain others will be moved, and I hope many saved thur his life and death.