For a wealth of additional information, as well as contact information, you should go to Dr.Rivera's web page, as listed below, I promise you will not be sorry for all the useful knowledge hidden from us by our so called Goverment. Wake up.
Filed Under Articles of Confederation, COMMON LAW, CONSTITUTION, CRIMINAL LAW
The Declaration of Independence, 1777 Articles of Confederation, Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787 and the Constitution of September 17, 1787 are the sources of all written laws made by the Congress of the United States When they are properly studied, these Organic Laws prove that the Congress of the
United States can only make laws for the federal government and the administration of the territory owned by and ceded to the United States of America
The Organic Laws can also show how any American can decide to be an Inhabitant under the Articles of Confederation and still be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several states. An American Inhabitant can collect earned Social Security benefits without admitting to the United States residence.
The United States of America , where Inhabitants live, was made free by the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution. The Articles of Confederation were completed and ready to be adopted by November 15, 1777 and finally ratified by all thirteen States on March 1, 1781. Final ratification by the State of Maryland formed a Confederacy called the United States of America that was responsible for prosecuting the Revolutionary War against the British. After the successful conclusion of that war, the United States in Congress assembled continued to represent the States of the United States of America in foreign affairs until the United States in Congress assembled officially became the Senate of the United States
The first Congress, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives according to the Constitution, convened on March 4, 1789 in New York City According to Article I Section 3 Clause 2, the Senators, newly selected by State legislatures, were divided into three Classes, which would serve staggered terms of two, four and six years. These staggered terms would provide for a Senate that will be in continual session from March 4, 1789 to the present. In that same period there have been 111 Congresses. This is conclusive proof that the Senate of the United States is the equivalent of the Article X Committee of States provided for in the Articles of Confederation.I am the only law professor in America that teaches how the Organic Law creates a Senate that functions as the United States in Congress assembled under the Articles of Confederation and as the United States Senate under the authority of the Constitution of the United States
All education is now controlled by the government, so the government will only teach what the government wants you to know. The government does not want you know why George Washington took an oral oath to be President of the United States and that the United States is the territory owned by and ceded to the United States of America Every law school in America teaches that the Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation, but they won’t teach that the replacement was limited to the Northwest Territory, which was the territory owned by and ceded to the United States of America at the time. This is why the Congress of the United States which consists of the United States Senate and the House of Representatives and is vested with legislative power, may only make laws for federal territory, territory owned by and ceded to the United States of America Proof that the Articles of Confederation are still viable law can be found here:
Congress is out of control. Bureaucrats are writing legislation and Congress is enacting it into law without it being read. The only solution is limiting Congress’s lawmaking to territory owned by and ceded to the United States of America
Right now this is the only place this information may be found. Copy as many of these posts as you can and share them with others, who don’t want to see themselves and other Americans saddled with trillions in debt.
To protect property from confiscatory taxation any owner of real property must place that property into a common law trust, however, that property must first be removed from the tax assessment rolls that make it appear to be territory owned by and ceded to the
United States of America Contact me at to get the law lessons you will need to understand the process. Dr. Eduardo M. Rivera
Law Professor